Sunday, July 12, 2009

100 days, damn.

wait, it's 101 now (= ^ <3

Okay so like, blogspot is gay. wait i've said that before[:

let's start from the Raging Waters w/ Kelpshake. FUN! Went on Great White Shark, &Dragon's Den. I went on the yellow serpent shit &Kelsey went on the purple i think. haha. I went onnnn White Lightning but Kelsey was a pussy. it was so fucking cold &windy up there. i needed a hug ]: there was this couple all cuddling like RIGHT in front of me. damn. i like to cuddle too. baah. wet + cold + windy + alone = not fun. but the ride was fun. it took long to get up. it was so cold for a summer day. gaah. She went on Shotgun Falls but i can't swim (: haha, wave pool was fun. I kept making kelsey swallow water. I'M PAAANNNNNY, teehee. So now we know how people on the Titanic felt. &how turkeys &chickens sound. or not. haha. We took pictures in the Endless River :D Fun. Thennn i got bananannanana split dippin dots &i dont remember what kelsey got. haha. then we left &went to yummy buffet. OH YEAH, we saw Michael D before we left! haha. Yummy buffet has good sushi. yay. i can tie cherry stems with my tongue ;DD with my toes too. HAHA jk rj.

FUCKING LIZETTE LEFT HELLA OREOS IN MY ROOMS LAST WEEK, AND NOW THERE HELLA FUCKING ANTS IN MY FUCKING ROOMM GAAH. i feel like they're crawling all over me, but they're not ]: i feel itchy, yuk. haha

I'm not used to not being on the phone on Sundays. DAMN.. haha.

okays, cousins came! Cailey &Chase. they lived in japan for like 4 years, and now they've come back cos my uncle's retiring from the navy. yaaay. took a 5 hour drive to grass valley -___- picked them up &ate at some chinese resturant. took pictures. then got home @like 10:00 pm. They stayed with us for twoo days. Thursday I think, went to watch Transformers at AMC! Haven't been to an actually theatre in a while. haha. Transformers is fucking long, good tho. haha. then dropped off Jay &his gf @ some park. theeeeeeen mom went to lucky, theeeeeeeen dropped us off @ emall. stayed there for 4 hours. Met up with Rj!<3 he kicked it with us the whole time, yaaay. it was hecker fun, boring at times haha. hiding is funny. I love teasing you Rj. :D mks then we went home after Rj got picked up or w/e. @ home we sang Karaokeeee! hella funny. I GUESS YOU'D SAY WHAT CAN MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAAY... MAGURRRL, TALKING BOUT MAGURRRRL, MY GIRL! ahah! fun. we tried pulling an all nighter off, but i fell asleep at 4:30. haha, i wasn't the first tho, chase went to sleep at like 1:00. we were supposed to leave at 5:00, but my mom woke us up at 7:30 LOL. so yeah, dropped them of and yeaaaaah.

GUILTGUILTGUILTGUILT. F'rrreals man ): I hate hiding all this stuff from my mom. like, hella of my life. Life's hard &shit just happens sometimes, yadadadadamean. It's not gunna be perfect all the time, &i'm still learning to deal with that.

SO LIKE, I FUCKING GOT A NEW PHONE TODAY! HELL YEAH MENGS. so like, i was hella pissed cos i wanted to see Rj today like hell, but my dad said we had to watch transformers, even tho I had already watched it. &then nikki &katherine invited me to oakridge &my dad said i couldn't go cos we made plans, &I was like wtf, you never said it was fersure tho. So i was pissed and shit. THEN ronney &nikki changed plans for me &went to eastridge! I felt so special :D So then my dad said we're gunna change plans and were gunna get new phones. FUCK yeah. haha. they took like an hour and a half to get ready -___- then i ttook hella long to get the phones, BUT WHATEVERRRRRRR. I gt my phone. MY FUCKING SAMSUNG IMPRESSION IS GODDAMN SEXY. I'm scared to touch it , lmfao. i don't want to dirty it D: i wannnna buy this giraffe case BAD! &this cute ass shark phone charm. haha. k yeah, lizette got a phone? mengs, she's only in 3rd grade &she has unlimited texting 0___o she get's annoying, sending me like 3 text messages before i reply. damn, haha. i needa get used to my keyboard. so yeah, after went to emall &hung out with ronney &nikkaay. fun. we had a chicken terriyakkkki or w/e lmfao, crepe. it was surprisingly goood. mh, what else. i took 2 pictures w/ my phoneee, but i can't send it to the comp. don't have internet, i can't get mms messages. GAY. ]: oh well, my dad said later. haha. damn i'm tired. nikki came afterr &stayed till 10:00. yeahhh. i'm tired. Can't think. blah.

HMM, idk. NIGHT. I can tweeet from my phone now :D


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Woah, I've blogged like 7 times in three days? Idk, i'm not counting.

I made a twitter. yaaay.

omg, i want a fucking samsung impression.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Serenade me.

Please. anyone?
Fall For You.


i hate it. i hate everything.
i hate those silent conversations.
i hate feeling so guilty, when i know i didn't do anything.
i hate having to say it's okay over and over.
i hate having to keep everything.
i hate not being able to talk about it.
i hate crying or at least feeling like it once everyday.
i hate saying i'm happy, and you don't believe me.
i hate sounding depressed, when i'm just frustrated.
i hate being frustrated.
i hate being lost and confused.
i hate actually thinking about that.
i hate talking about that.
i hate the fact that everything i thought would fersure never happen, is happening.
i hate that i keep listening to those kinds of songs.
i hate how it sounds like it going to happen, but i don't want it too.
i hate how it seems so different.
i hate how it's so depressing and maybe an hour later we're okay.
i hate how i know the old ways are still there, but we just barely see them.
i hate remembering " we can make it through anything "
i hate how i don't smile that much.
i hate that it's getting worse.
i hate that there's nothing i can do.
i hate doubting myself.
i hate that i have to think about what i say.
i hate how we could talk about anything, but the conversations are always about one thing..
i hate how i'm always the bad guy.
i hate that it's falling apart.
i hate thinking about our promises and worrying about them.
i hate reminiscing, because i miss those so much.
i hate not being able to talk in person.
i hate summer.
i hate how long this list is getting.
i hate when you're happy, and i saw unconsciously say something wrong &make you feel bad.
i hate how it seemed so perfect, and now i don't know..
i hate how i want to hold on for so many reasons, but everyday i loose faith.
i hate how the main reason isn't the best reason.
i hate typing this.
i hate feeling like i made so many mistakes, and i don't realize it until now.
i hate that i don't know what happened.
i hate myself.


I don't want it to end. No, not at all. I'm scared. I'm fucking serious. It's not over.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

i'm stupid. really really stupid.

Why do I have to explain myself to you? WHY. Why do you have to ask if I still care, if I still love you, etc. Shouldn't you know? I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Really, I tell you over &over. It kills me EVERY time you ask. EVERYTIME. I want to make you happy. I feel like I'm messing up everything. I don't know how I do, &I don't know how to fix it. I care about you like CRAZY. I love you like CRAZY. I can't even begin to explain. You don't realize it, &I want you to, so bad. It's like there's nothing I can do to cheer you up. What is it that I do that gives you those feelings. I am really that horrible? I can't do anything right these days...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

" Birth order may help determines personality "

"Eldest children are socially dominant, highly intellectual, and extremely conscientious. Unfortunately, they’re also less open to new ideas, and prone to perfectionism and people pleasing—the result of losing both parents’ undivided attention at an early age, and working throughout their lives to get it back."

AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, ooh woow. truuue?

It's a fucked up world, I'm a fucked up person.

ugh, hella stressed right now ):

I hate my grandpa, seriously. I want to tell him off soooo bad. But I can't. Why? Cos he's my grandpa. mygood. he's soo nasty and selfish and shit. &I'm getting sick and tired of him telling me to rest. it's like, wtf, I'm not five, I'm old enough to take some fucking responsibility. I was all washing the dishes right, and he comes and says, let me do it! &I was like, no it's okay, i'm almost done. &he goes NO, you take a rest! and i soaped everything already, just needed to rinse it, &he washes everything all over again. that's hella insulting to me. I mean, yeah I'm lazy, but i can do chores. &like, everytime I have a chore to do, he does it for me. most people would love that. but serisouly, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP. Like, sure, i appreciate it, but if i needed help, i would ask? don't think anyone would understand me on that subject -__- You know what else I hate. He teases me. In an annoying way. Not like, how family teases. but in a jacked up way. it pisses me off so much. like i say something or do something loud, &he does it like 10 times worse. over exaggerates everything. &not just me, all of my family. he doesn't understand that it's not funny. you might say, calm down he's just messing with you and shit, but YOU DON'T LIVE WITH HIM. I have alot more ugly stuff to say, but i'm too pissed off to type about it all.

I hate when people go to the worst case scenario. really. &do I seem like a person who doesn't care? I care about all my friends, alot. I'm just that kind of person. &for someone to ask if i even care about them, when i'm trying to make them feel better, that's sad. I'm hella hurt right now. I don't wanna type about this. but I can't talk to anyone about it. I mean, have friends to talk to yeah, but not about this. well maybe I do, but I don't feel like it. There's no one that can just listen. just listen. That's what most people want, imo. they just need to let it all out &yeah. I can't. So, I blog. how pathetic huh. I should go curl up in a ball and cry. tsh, I can't even do that. no where to go..

Why do you take all my comments in such a negative way? I don't wanna tell you stuff, cos you take it so hard. you know who you are.

i was standing at my balcony last night, &it was so calm and quiet. eeh.

it's the 4th of July. I really want to watch fireworks. I haven't in like two years ); I wanna cry right now. If I see some, that will seriously make me soooo goddammnn happy.

well, gunna listen to some music. maybe play with my dog, or my sister. I think that's they're only thing that can cheer me up right now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

You are not aloone.

HAAAAAY. I'm hella tired man. F'rreaaaaals. I stayed up until 6:00-ish. I wouldn't call it an allnighter, cos I went to sleep after Rj hung up. Yeaaaah, talked all night man. Me &him, we can talk about anythaaaang(: I drank hella water that day.. lmfao. idk, like 13 bottles.

Aha. But yeah, idk why I feel hecka sore. Eh. Mmh, Rj came over again yesterday. Fuun, but then my sister saw -___- Hella gay. But whatever, over it now. Going back to my mom's today. I guess I miss them. Buuuuut, idk. I have more time to myself here? Iderno. yeaaah. Aha, I talked on the phone w/ Thomas while his friend was over. Apparently, he doesn't like him. Lool. " Tell him I said hi ", " She says hi ", " HEY SEXY! " Lmfao, okay.. I'd put somthing else, but idk. Thomas sang &rapped for me, lmfao. Should've recored that shit. HRM, what else. BWUHAHAHA, I saw Rj's abs. :D Kinda. Ahaha.

Hella played Wii w/ my sisterrr. I suck mengs. Most of the time. Aha. &we played Club Penguin! HEHE. Card jitsu or w/e, is fun.

OHMYFUCKINGGOSH. Michael Jackson died D: That's hella unbelievable. It's like, when Steve Irwin died man. He shouldn't have gone. Hellla saaaad.

" Today, Michael Jackson died. FML " <-------- Someone actually put that ):

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

" I think you're a ganster hobo! "

Heeeeeeeey. SO LIKE, I finally did some stuff. nothing as fancy as other people.... but still :D

Yesterday, I had a doctors appointment. New doctor, she's nice I guess. I still feel violated tho... Don't ask. Let your common sense kick in. Bleh, lmfao. OMMGG, i found out that fucking, I have like horrible hearing in my right ear ): that's so gay. f'rreals, it's not funny. i'm only 13, &i have the hearing as bad as my grandpa's?! Maybe not that bad, but getting there. fuck that. my mom says it's cos i use my ipod too much. lmfao. Ew, &i didn't eat that day, cos i wasn't hungry &my mom was like, are you trying to change your weight when they check you? like, wtf. that's hella offensive. I was already offended by something else. lmfao. oh well, i still love my mommy. she' sassy. it's funny. today she called some boy in the backseat of another car a pig. lmfao, how mean. idk, she's funny. Theeeen Nikki came overrr :D I walked to Norwood, &yeah. She came @ 4:30 &stayed until like 11:00. Thanks Nikki. I love you anyways. aha. she made a neopeeeet, &i was gunna, but went to sleep. aha. Boring at timeees. Everytime we hang out it's boring, &like an hour before one of us leaves, it gets fun. Fuck that shit. ): anyways, glad you came nikki. although i wish you left earlier, cos my dad got kinda pissed(x

So yeah, today I had a dentist appointment D: I like my dentist, but i hate having all this bad tasting metal shit in my mouth. sad face. so yeah. I got " sealants " on my teeth. took forevaahh.
My mouth was numb for like two hours! ):< My tongue felt retarded. yukk. OMG, my dad has a facebook, &he's friends w/ my dentist on it. lmfao. so today, she showed us his pictures. of us. i look extremely horrible, except in one. yeah, one of them I was w/ my sister &my eyes are retarded cos I wasn't ready, lmfao. another one, my face just looks weird. &the other one, i'm like in 2nd grade, so idc. &the last oneee you can't see my face, so i like it (: so yeah, after that, we went to the bank &I got a lollipop, hehe. Theeeen we went to Lucky's, well I stayed in the carr, cos my sister was sleeping. My mommy bought me chocolate :D Hershey's Cookies &Creammmmm<3

Then Rj came to visit me ! OMG, so happy I saw him! He came at like 2:00 &stayed for like an hour. Heheee. That was fuuuuuuuuun. I kept hearing the nieghbors, they scared me ): screw them. aha. so yeah, afterrr, on the phone, fucking asking me questions(x idk how to respond to all that man. Aha, whatever, I got to seee you (=

OH YEAH, my chocolate melted ]: It's hella hot right noww. I drank an arizonaaa, &had vienna sausages. I eat that alot now. That's bad. yeah. Mh, k, i'm done. hella bored. I prolly have alot of stuff i wanna do, but idk, i'm lazy. I wanna play speeed for somereason. loool. I think i'ma go read FMLs. LMFAO, they amuse me. I take contentment in knowing someone out there has it worse than I do(=

Monday, June 22, 2009

I like compliments from older people.

^cos they know what they're talking abooouuuut. aha, my dentist makes me feel so loved.
" If you break alot of hearts with that smile, don't be surprised! It's infectious. "
Why thank you Dr. Ahamd :D Wait, infectious? ...

Okay, my summer is so fucking boring. Haven't gone ANYWHEREEEEE. I need to make plans, f'rreals. So faar, i have Rj coming to visit, MAYBE going to the mall w/ Thomas, but we needa invite peopleee. &gunna see my cousins from Japan :D Stupid time change. my momma said it takes 3 weeks to adjust. I don't wanna wait that long ):

Why am I like super sensitive now. I'm offended more easily than ever now. seriously, I like overanalyze everything, &shit. idk. FML. i guess. I hate myself.

well, yeah. gotta fix 3 profiles on myspace. LOL. kbye

Saturday, June 20, 2009



Go PENS! They're like the only team, &the caps, that I like other than the Sharks. Well, I love the Sharks :D Die hardfan niggs. well yeah. they won the cup, yaaay.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I am absolutely not fucking ashamed to say I'm in love with Russell James Sumibcay.

Team 69 is booooossss niggaa

lol, hey. so yeah, i did cry. /= i didn't say bye to hella people &same w/ signing yearbooks &taking picturesss. ah.

didn't get to go to boggini. hella disappointed. fuck. w/e tho.
went to the target area w/ nikki, jade, aaron, &katherineee. met up with yvonne, alex, jade, chelsea, devin, andrew, pn, anne, &thao. thenn, devin, andrew, pn &anne left &the rest of us went to target. Hide &seek was fuun. GO TEAM 69! lmfao, nikki, 69 is uncomfortable. i'm sorry. fun thoo. boiling crab was fuun. " Alright guys.. let's do this. " lmfaooo, aaron " DAMN DOM, fucking beast. " I was hungry, food's good there. Tutti Frutti pictureees, ahaa. I kinda wish i went to the mall that day. idc, both would've been nice. next time, fasho! aha. yeah, fun.<3

supposed go to crystal's bday tomorrow. i guess not, cos my mom hasn't called me. ]:

damn it's hooot. i'm fuckking bored. moive night tonight! prolly gunna go get the shiiit after this. bwuahah. 4 brothers, reccommenededed by mr. Laquian! :D

f'rreals, let's make plans for summer. every summer, i'm home alone. everyone gets to hangout w. each other, &get closer. i dont want that to happen again... ):

Friday, June 12, 2009

it's the last day of schoooool.

Ah fuuuck. school's over in half an hour. i feel soo saad. omg, i'ma miss everyboody. we had so many fucking laughs. oh my goooooood. i'm gunna cry. all the 8th graders too! fuck, the school year passed by hella fast. damnn, it's like, woah it's June? damn! mofoing craaazy. I can't really say anything else about it! I don't want it to end. I'm not ready to be an 8th grader. I'LL MISS EVERYONE. &yeah, like we'll be back in two months, but still, i don't wanna leave.

so yesterday i went to the 8th grader grad. hella screamed! &mary broke my eardrums (:
i kindaaa got creamed. yeah. fun &tiring. OH, lmfao, Rj's parents wanted a picture w/me, but i'm super retarded &misunderstood what he said. HA HA HA.

omg, norwood was fun. TEEHEE ;D

gunna go to boiling crab afterschool. yaaaay! we'll maybe boggini first, bwuahahah.

this is gunna be the last time i blog in computer tech. );

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


ohemgeezys, today was preetttty good. mmkae, i'ma start blogging agaain. so like, last period was fun me &binh sang hella songs. fuunn. people brought thier ukes. i took alot of pictures. this week i needa take helllerrr. &have people sign my yearbooks. and yeah. hehehe! kinda disappointed cos we didn'tget to do thaat. darrn. thursday, hopefully :D I wore my natural hair today ]: eewers.

Thomas just said i had horrible singing. fuck him. (=

this week seem fuuuun. i<3just kicking it, f'rreaals. tired of fucking studying.

'ightt, gunna chill on the floor, free time in comp tech :D


sorry. it was stuck in my head. eew, " oh you wanna do that to me ? eeew! " - Thomas Myers. whatta fag. [:

Monday, June 8, 2009


It's not that i'm trying to make promises just to break them. I make promises so that our relationship will get better, &we can do things I/we want to do. I'm really mad right now. Well not mad... misunderstood I guess. I just ..dislike how you tell me over and over that " you've broken 8 promises now ! =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ " I'm trying to make the best of the time we have to spend together. Promises are supposed to be special. People shouldn't feel like they're pressured to keep the promise or else they're a horrible person. Promises are like telling someone they matter this much, that you're willing to do that for them. I wanna say all this to your face, but idk where I would start. I'll prolly just go on and on. haah. Blogging is one of the only ways I can vent these days. well yeah, that's how i feel now /=

Am I a horrible person ? You're not supposed to say you'll do things but you won't. I try to, but idk.. it's... complicated. i feel like you're making it more complicated than it needs to be tho ! ugh, iderno. ):

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FMLLLL ( sometimes )

DUUUUUUUUUUUDE. I hate todaaay ];

Okay, maybe you've noticed, I don't blog much anymore. I'm prolly not gunna as much. That's because blogspot sucks ass ! Haaaaahh, i typed hella shit &it deleteeddd everythaaaang. Fuck that.

Ugh, i can't type.

So liiikeee, woooahaaha. Gunna go to Santa Cruz tomorroowwwww. Yay. Kinda.

I'm in a bad mood today. Well, not the whole day. It was ruined at lunch. Looong story, ask me if you wanna know. BUTT, FYI Ms. Alvarvez, I've never made out with anyone d: Soooo fucking embarassing ! 8th graders ]:

Free time in comp tech. blaaah. I have nothing to saaay.

Bloooooooogspot is gaaay.

Tomorrow better be good. Better have fun @ Santa cruuuz. I repeat letters to muchh. 'ight, i'ma kickk it with Thomaaas &peoplee. On thaaaaaafloooooorr. Eh.

Suck some penis.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I love you Rj. ALMOST 2 months, wooow. I miss you whenever we're not together. I know you're scared ' you'll lose me ', but I don't think that will happen. I love youuu. God, I love you. I wanna be with you right now, &just hold on to you. See that up there ? ^ I never wanna let go. I love you with all my heart. Baabe, everything you say &do just makes me happy. I'm not sure if you're " the one ", but I hope so. Soooo badly. I love you. I love your smile, your laugh, your voice. I love your hugs<3 It doesn't matter what happens, I promised you. I love you now &I always will. From the bottom of my heart, forever &ever &ever. Mahal kita, soooo much. So, whatever your bad thoughts are, don't think them. They're wrong. You're important to me. I love you, nothing can change that. I care about you. I want you to know that. Realize it. Pleaaasee, don't be saad. I love youu. Baaabe, I'm in love with you.

&the title, btw, is the song I'm listening too [:

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Russell James Sumibcay, happy one month<3
We aren't on the phone right now, like usual. Kinda sad, it's our one month, &we barely talked.
Actually, it's very sad. I miss you alot right now.
Rj, I want you to know you mean the world to me.
Sometimes it may seem I don't have feelings as strong as you do, but that's cos I'm shy.
It's hard for me to explain to you how much you mean to me.
&It's only one month, but whatever. We'll last longer ( right ? )
I hope tomorrow is better, cos today sorta sucked.
We get to see each other tho<3
There's so much I could &want to say right now. But mainly, I need to tell you that,
IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou !
So many songs remind me of youu.Right now tho, I'm listening to;
" Well I wish that you would call me right now, so that I could get through to you somehow.. But I guess it's safe to say, baby, safe to say that I... I'm officially missing you. "
Hahaa, how corny &cheesy. That's what we do best tho, right ?
I love you *BABE. ;D

JadeT, thanks for the pictures ! From the day we got together. CAMERASHY on the right ! I look retarded on the left, but whatever. :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

STAR testing, Swine Flu, &Elimination. OHMY.

IHATETHEDUCKS.IHATETHEDUCKS.IHATETHEDUCKS. UGHHH. What tha fuckerss. HELLAS GAY. So freaking disappointed. Such a good Game 5, and then bleh. Setoguchi scored in Game 5 ]: I don't wanna talk about it. But it's just so saad man. Read the articles, &listen to what people are starting to say about the Sharks. /=

So, hey. STAR testing this week. Hmm, so, had a good time last week. So far, not much good about this week. I mean, it's not a horrible horrible week, like there's occansionaly fun stuff. But it's been pretty sucky. I guess I have to wait for Friday. Gunna go to the Boiling Crab feer Nikki's bday ! :D I needa get my camera, &upload all the shit in it. Aha.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTFRAAANN ! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ! Happy Birthdaaaaaay dear NIKKKKKKI ! HAPPPY BIRTHDAAAAY TO YOUUUU ! :D I love you more than anyone else can imagine. We've been through it all, &still came out on top. Our friendship has literally lasted the test of time. Can't wait for today, let's make it fuuuun :D I LOVE YOUU, Little twin telepathic sistaaaaar(;

Ohkay so, I'm in computer tech 1st, cos we have a reversed schedule. So yeah, ahaa.


Ohmagaah, I hate my grandpa. He's a freaking liar. I swear. HE TOOK MY NECKLACE. I mean,yeah he gave it back, but wtf why ? Maybe I left it there for a reason. He can't just take it AND WEAR IT. WTF. That's disgusting. Nobody's gunna steal it, JUST LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE. Damnn, seee ? I can't trust leaving things at home, cos I know " someone " will take it. Like, home is supposed to be a safe place. &FYI, I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED. LET'S JUST SAY ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR. My grandpa is the one person who can seriously piss the shit out of me. Okay, not the only one, but he does it the most. Yeah he cares, but he doesn't know how to show it. UGH.

I'm scared of the Swine Flu D: Not just now, cos it's in US, but I've been scared since I heard about it. IT'S IN THE BAY. Fckk, is this the end ? LMFAOOO. Seriously tho, epidemics don't wipe out in a month. 3-4 years mabye. Think about it. 2009. Threee years, 2012. SHIET. Scary man, ahaa ! F'rreals tho, I don't want to die. I may joke about it during school, but I truly am scared. So many things to worry about.

4 more days. Wow, that's a new accomplishment :D I need that picture, OR a new one.
Rj, I hope you liked the paper[:

In math, there are two extremely annoying people who can't seem to shut the hell up.

I miss my 1st period class. I can't talk to anyone here, it's so quiet.

HMM, That's preetty much the main things. Gunna kill 90 minutes in here. It's 8:23, so about an hour more. BOREDD. So, I guess I'll blog again tomorrow ? BYEE.

April 3, 2009(=

I love Devin Setoguchi.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AMJDG; Happy 13th !


Sorry my present is crappy. You're worth waaaay more<3

In comp tech again. SO LIKE, not so hot today. Feels good in here tho. Still hot out.
Went biking, not rollerskating, yesterday ! FUNN, haven't rode my bike in a LOONG time. Gunna go again today, I think.

SHARKS WONNN ! BWUAHAHAH. Setoguchi almost scored. He like, tipped it in, buhh they gave it to Blake anyways. Idc. We won nukkaaa. 4-3, series is 2-1. We're still in this sheeit :D
Murray fought. SHIZZ, they shoulda let Shelley play. I freaking love hockey fights.

Nothing really interesting today. Fun-ish, schools getting funner. Idk how &why. The normals.

LMFAOO, Rj &I almost got caught hugging. The teacher came &we were all CRAP. So then, I took my backpack off &I was all, Do you have a dollar ? &He was all No... So I started asking for quarters, ahaaaa. FUNNNY. Rj, I know you're hiding THINGS in yeerr backpack. I'll find out (;

Idk, I've been in a really happy moood this week. Rj says I look sad. LOLL.


Alec, freaking. Lmfao, kept on poking me with his pen.

Firedrills are fun. Aha.

I hate how Mrs. Woodley comes up behind you, out of nowhere &just takes your paper. It's heckers scary.

Happy Earth day ! Let's make a difference. TURN YOUR LIGHTS OFF. Save energy. Don't use as much water. Go out &kick it. Stop watching tv, (x PLANT A FREAKING TREE ! LMFAO, remember that Earth hour thing !? I WAS A DAY LATE. LMFAOO. I felt so good, thought I was making a difference. Told hella people to turn their lights off &they did ! Then Uyen &Daniel were all, UHHMM, that was yesterday, I think yeerr wrong ! AHAH. Whatever, I helped. ANYWAYS, Recyclee!

So, ideerno, nothing " important ". Ahaa. One of my shorter blogs, huh ?

I love Devin Setoguchi :D

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April showers bring May flowers ?

Heyhey. So in computer tech, &I'm bored. Nothaaaang to do.

Isn't that what they say ? " April showers bring May flowers. " WHY ISN'T IT RAINING ? LMFAO. Too hot, spring isn't THIS hot. But for some reason the heat makes the days feel better. I mean, it sucks the life out of me, but when we hang out, it feels better. IDK. IS THIS HOW SUMMER IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL ? LOL, I don't have fun summers. HOME ALL DAY.

I cuss alot. I mean, I haven't just realized that, but I was re-reading my blogs, &I say shit when I don't need to. AHA, see ? But whatever, I add emphasis (;

IT'S MADERPACKING MAINIT ! In here, no, but today it was burning ! Ran my mile, &I swear I died. Day's always seem longer when it's hot huh ? &THEN MY DAD MADE ME GO ROLLERSKATING -____- I felt like passing out in math today. It was hot, then in class I felt cold. I almost fell asleep &I was friggin hungry. Shieeeet.

But today was fun. Idk why it feels so different. But, things are looking up. [;
Summmmmmmmer ! I guess that's why. It feeeeeels like summer.

Lunch was funn. Rj hangs out with me, even tho he doesn't know any of my friends (x
Aha, Rj, you're a dork<3 We argue alot, Ashley pointed that out. That's funny.
OHYEAH, Rj you don't fucking annoy me. Like irritate kind of annoy, GEEZE. STOP APOLOGIZING LMFAOO.

OHEMGEEZYS, I HATE ROLLERSKATING. It's scary. I went, wait no, I was FORCED to go with my family. Sister got to ride her bike, but I HAD to skate. SO EMBARRASSING ! People were watching me. I FELL AT LEAST 5 TIMESS ! D; My legs &my ass is seriously sore today. It's funnnny, but I'm nervous to go. I want to ride my bike instead. ORR, I wanna learn how to skateboad :D He told me were gunna go again today -___-

UHHM. I fergot what else. Hate when that happens. I have stuff to say man.

OH GAME TONIGHT ! Gotta kick their asses man.

Well, blog tomorrow prolly. :D

I love Devin Setoguchi.

Monday, April 20, 2009


HEYOO, spring break's overr ! Whatever, my break sucked ass anyways.

I MISSED SO MANY FREAKING PEOPLEE ! Ah. I saw buncha people today. :D

Soo, other than Reno, what did I do....

BABYSAT. The usual.

Jay's bday party on Saturday. So uhrm, hella tiring. My sister wouldn't let me down. Then she fell asleep, &then my phone died -____- I really really need a new phone meengs. AHHA, Jay &I talked about stuff. One-on-one, cousin shit. AHAA, he says I've changed. What, I'm all grown up now ?! HAAAH. He saidd, in elementary it was all about school. But now, I'm into hockey &boys. Aha, I'd say I'm pretty much the same. Got the same interests, I guess. I still focus on school NIGG-AHH. (x Straight A's beezy. TSHH, he says he doesn't bang. I hope not cuzoo ! Aha, talked about " stuff-stuff ". Longest relationship was 1 year, 5 months, &counting O: Isn't that cute ? I'm jealous. TWO WEEKS AND COUNTING ! ;D

FUCKING DUCKS. I HATE THEM. SO MUCH. Series down 2-0 ? Wtf is that about. I didn't even get to watch the game. GAYGAYGAY. SJSHARKS, FOSHOO.

I went to Nikki's house yesterdaay(sunday) ! :D FUNFUNFUN. Took pictures, aha. WE WENT ON THE ROOF. I've never been on a roof. Lmfao, how gaay. It was fun tho. Nikki got this cool picture, well I think it's cool. Before that we drew with chalk in her front driveway. OHEMGEEZYS, I draw so hacking OOOGLY. It was funny. I couldn't write preetty. I messed up the grass too. WE TRACED EACH OTHER, THAT'S SO COOL. Nikki stepped on my arm...lmfao. Oysters are guuuud. &That other flour thing we ate was good too.

Shit, now I'm hungry.

So, we want to buy a house rightt ? &We have to get a three bedroom. GAY -___- I want my own fucking room. I swear. &we might have to move into another apartment again. I don't wanna sleeep in the freaking living room. I need my own space, f'rreals. If we geta 3-bedroom house, I'll be pissed. For the rest of my life, I have to share a room with my sister. Well not the restrest of my life, but still. You knoww ? Why can't they just ship my fucking grandpa off to the Philippines. My mom wants too. He stresses both of us out. Forreals. He wastes water too. Wtff. &Likee, sometimes I know he wants to be nice, but he just gets in the fucking way. Sometimes, he tries to help me. &I'm like, I didn't ask for your help. I can do it myself, damn. I'm not 5. He seriously won't leave me alonee. URGHH.

Phone with Rj alot. HE PISSES ME OFF. Rj, if you're reading this, I'm saying it now. YOU'RE NOT ANNOYING ME. LMFAOO. I don't want you to hang up &I wouldn't be talking to you if I wanted to be left alone. MOTHERRFATHERR.

Alec got me a necklace :D It has dolphins on it (x


I told hecka people I missed them today. It was funny.

IT'S SO DAMN HOT TODAY. YESTERDAY TOO. GAAH. Shit, I gootta run my mile tomorrow. Craaap.


Ah, I'm out of time. Gunna get out of class in 2 min. AIGHT BYEE, Blog tomorrow maybe.

I love Devin Setoguchi,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

LiveYourLife.mp3 [;

I'm on the phone with Rj (;
Little dork. He sings for me :D Then he stops and I get mad. Aha. It's so annoying. " Do you want me to leave you alone ? " We broke the record the other night. FOUR HOURS AND ELEVN** MINUTES BEEEZY !
**According to Rj d:

I'm not single anymore (=

OKAYS, so it's like 9:45. Around it, whatever. I'm in RENNOO BITCH ! :D But like, I've been
alone since like 5:30. Idk when they're coming back. Whatever tho. They can gamble as long as they want [: I'm kinda scared tho. Jade freaked me out with Quarantine. &I have a feeling somebody's gonna open then door and shoot me. Shiiit.

Long ass road trip<3 But I wish it was at night. Cos the sun gets in my face.

HRMM. Week has been bad-ish. GOTTEN BETTER F'RREALS.

I feel REALLY guilty. SIGH, I can't change how I feel tho.

Sharks have won the President's Trophy ! :D We lost today, but idc. Playoffs are starting. I'm excited. This is totally our year fool.


My mom dragged me along with her to run errands. So, once we were all done, Mom remembers she forgot to buy milk ! So I'm all UGH, I wanna go home. So, mom's inside 7-Eleven &I'm in the car with my sisters. Mom's paying and this tall ( sexy ) guy walks in. I don't pay attention at first. Mom looks at me all funny. She goes in the car " Babe, is that Setoguchi ?! " I loook at him, &I swear I frooze. So, Seto walks out talking on the phone, &I stand up " EXCUSE ME, Are you Devin Setoguchi !? " LMFAOO. And then he turns around, so my mom goes " DEVIN DEVIN, my daughter loves you ! " SOOOOO EMBARASSING ! So we go over there, and ask for a picture and blahblahblah. BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE A CAMERA. And then, I didn't have my phone, &I didn't know how to take a picture on my mom's phone, cos it's brand new. So my mom's begging him not to leave. He was on the phone aha. So he goes " Hey, I have to go now. " &Hangs up ( FOR MEEE ! ) So I go " Sorry about this. We're like wasting your time " &He was so nice " No, it's okay, don't worry about it. "
Then my mom gave me this paper, bank reciept thing &A pen. I ask him to sign it &he did :D
Then he was even nicer, " Do you guys want a picture ? " & my mom says " We don't have a camera " and he says " Oh, sorrry then. " Then I thank him alot &say " Oh, could I get a hug ? "

AHHH, he was wearing a tux. With a pink shirt. He had a black mustang. And he was so tall. And on TV, he looks " bulky " , but he's actually preetty slim. OMG, he was so hot. I wanted to touch him so bad. I GOT TO HUG HIM FOOL. So then I said Thanks again, and we parted ways ]:

I started crying mengs. LLMAOOO, I cried out of joy. I haven't cried tears of joy in a long ass time. F'rreals. I cried like 5 minutes straight. I'm serious, no lie. HEHEHEHEHE, I was soo happy. AHHH, that's all I can say about it. I'm so happy. :D

He was prolly headed to practice, cos he went the direction of Sharks Ice, so yeah. Ahhh.
Highlight of my life, I swear.

Setoguchi scored today. My hugs are good luck :D

SOOOO, that's preeetty much it. I can't think of anything else to say, cos my mind is preoccupied with my Setoguchi expirence. I LOVE DEVIN SETOGUCHI !

Friday, April 3, 2009


Okies, so I'm in sixth period right now. Supposed to be making a survey &a top ten list, but idk what to do. I much happier today. Two bad days sucks. That other emo day, kinda ended well. I got In - N - Out ! Kicked it with Fam, yeah it was aight. Yesterday was bleeh, okay. Fricken Ms. Gill yelled at my mom. &I think my mom's getting suspicious of me. WHAT'S THERE TO BE SUSPICIOUS ABOUTTT ? Ahaaa, like supposedly I take too long to walk to my momma's car, but whatever. I feel like they're starting to worry and not trust me again. PSH, WHATEVERR.

Today was lazy and boring as usual. Rj says I ditched him but whatever, we weren't even hanging out in the first place ! Ahaa. After school, gonna go to Nikki's<3 It's been heckers long since I've gone there. Dance @ 3:00 ! I doubt alot of people are going. I AMM ! Aha, f'rreals like it's our last dance. Let's enjoy it ! SO LIKE, I prolly won't be dancing tho. Aha, just walking around and stuffs. Freaking ? NAAAH FOO ! It's ALLLLL about grindin' ! Heeellls yeah. I'll be walking, grinding, and laughing. LMFAOO, yeah, hella sick. Slow dance ? Maybe. [;

MY OH MY OHHH, MY OH MY OHHH ! MY BOOOOOOOOO ! Aha, sorry had a moment.

I'm reallyreallyreally excited, nervous, etc. Do I want that to happen ? Kinda... Iderno. Marissa knows. (=

I'm still pretty undecided about that whole thing. Andres, Jade, Marissa, and Angelica said I should. Alec, HAHA. No question about what he thinks. Kinda got in a misunderstanding yesterday, but that's overr. Forreals, I'm starting to lean that other waay. :D
Idk, cos I know who he has feelings for. I'm just not like that, you know ? If you know me well, then yeah. I couldn't do that. People say I should forget about it, and all that, but idk. Undecided still.. So many things to consider tho..

I FEEL SO UGLY D; Lmaaaoo.

Even though I'm tryna play it off, I'm thinking about you all day long.. I'm falling for you I can't lie.. I just wanna be with youuu.. Yes he got me, there I said it. Somebody call the paramedics, tell them to hurry up and come through. Cos I can't breaaaathe when you talk to me. I can't breathe when you're touching me. I suffocate when you're away from me, so much love you take from me. I'm going out of my mind. .MP3
^That shiet is stuck in my head. In a good way<3 Kinda how I feeeeel.

HRM. Anything else ? Naah, cos that's mainly what goes on peoplee.

I love Devin Setoguchi. &I love super long hugs. (;

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If you could see the thoughts that's in my head, I'm tripping !

UGHH. Lol, moan. JKAAY, I ain't like that -___-
Anyways, GAH. I feel so stressed right now ! Like, since yesterday I've been having so many second thoughts. &Then today it's like...All on my shoulders. I feel like I'm gonna blow up. Not only I'm still sick, but my asthma's coming back, it's allergy season, and all this stress ! At school, it may not seeem like it, but I just wanna break down and cry sometimes.

He told him off. Wow.

FRICKEN MR. ASKANAS, AHA. I wasn't focusing in PE, so he called my name out. Ah,whatever. I don't want him watching me tho -__-

ALFORJA. I'm gonna stop for her. She made me promise, but whatever. I'M A GOOD FRREAKING FRIEND. Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed, but bestfriends come before anything right ?

Okays, as of this moment I'm gonna let it ALLL out. I don't care if anyone notices who I'm talking about. I need to let it out. &maybe typing it out will help me realize what I should do. I don't feel like talking about it with people. For sure, I have friends I can trust, but if there's anyone, I wanna talk to someone who understands because they've been in the situation..

I'm a person who thinks that if a friend likes somebody, you back the hell off. If they stop liking the person it's okay. But what if the friend says they stop, but start again ? Then you BOTH like the person. Hard huh ? Okay, but what if you're the person they like ? Yup, that's kinda what I'm going through. I feel like I've ruined their relationship. &Get this straight. I'M NO SLUT. I don't like making people feel bad. I swear, I could be one of the biggest bitches ever if I wanted to. I mean, I have it all in me ! But I just choose not too. SIGHSIGHISGH.

HRM, idk who I'm starting to have feelings for now. At first I thought I've got my mind set right ? &All these other guys, they liked me &I wouldn't care. I feel kinda stupid by saying all this cos, I'll admit it, I'm young ! Idk what reeal love is. But I still experience " young love ". &Now I feel so stuck. Yesterday I thought I would have nothing to do with him anymore. Then he goes and compliments me and acts all nice, like how we used to be before. &he seems nice and stuff, but there's so many reasons why I shouldn't. People say not too, and yadadadaa. Then HE joins in as another reason. UGH. Then on the way to 4th, another reason comes in. So many things flying in at me, and idk where to go. I just want to be able to set my mind on one thing, without worrying about the negatives. But with this issue, so many things. You would think I would get the message right ? WRONG. Because iderno who to believe. Who to turn to. They both seem nice, and like I feel so bad actually narrowing it down. I can't like three people, that ho-ish. One is out cos of Alforja. Then that leaves two. You would think I would go for who seems nicer right ? I when I say " go for ", I don't mean sexually. I just... Like... I mean to focus my feelings on. I'm to young for love, but I can still have crushes right ? But I don't wanna sounds like a loser saying " Oh my gosh I can't choose who !? ". But that's how it is. People would want me to choose him obviously. OTHERS want me to choose neither. I'm feel so stuck. I feel so stupid too. This huge guilt train is following me everywhere. I can't seem to find a genuine reason to smile. I'm soooo lost. I don't want to sound like a girl who's 13, acting like a wannbee 25 year old. But I'm so confused. I can't even describe it. &I'm not blowing it way out of proportion, I'm just venting. I need to set it all out.

AH FUCK. Ten minute bell.. I guess I'll end it here. Not such a good day huh ? Yeah, I figured out it would be like this in the morning -___- I still have more to say. I always do. But I don't have to time to say it all here. At least I got some of it out..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Being sick sucks.

Heeey, guess what ? I'm vice president ! :D

Congrats to Jade Nguyen, Jade Truong, &Thuyvy Tu ! Yeah, we rep female asian pride in the office mengs !

Aights, i'm sick. Aah. I wanna skip schoool the rest of the week ! -___- I feel like up and down all the timee.

I fixed my myspace :D

Sharks kicked Coyotes ass mengs. :D Flames got pwned yesterday. Yes. Mwuaha.

Idk what else to say.

UHM. I'm really disappointed in myself. I've made promises to myself, and not stayed with them. I promised I would like him that much, didn't happen. Promised I wouldn't start to like anyone else, didn't happen. Promised I'd practice guitar everyday for at least 20 minutes, hahaa. So many promises, I can't can't remember them all. Sucks mann.
But whatever, everything happens for a reason right ? Gotten listen to the old sayings, cos they're true !

Hung out with Irene during lunch yesterday &today, kinda quiet but still nicee. I love that chickaaa !

I felt really bad and guilty and sad and yeah. I cried Sunday night maaan. So many reasons. Rj &I were competing who has the best ones. Aha.

Rj &I broke the record again ! 3 straight hours fooo. He always thinks I'm lying to him. JERKFACE ! Ahaa, justkeedang. So, me &him have this game when we hug. Who ever let's go first loses ! I've been winning, bwuahah. 5-1 ! He cheated last time. I'm ticklish man ! Should be a foul d: &he said that we both let go last time. WHATEVERRR ! Aha !

Speaking of jerks, ( just kidding ! ) Andres broke his promise -__- He told me to get aqua-ish on my braces, and he would get the same. Noww, he says he doesn't want to. FAGG ! PSH, whatever. But, you know I still love you [:

I'm scared of D____, Thomas knows. Yeah, I think it's freaky when people like me, and I don't like them back. Like it's cute at first, but sometimes, I'm like WOAH. Aha.

I started writing this on Sunday, aha.

Dude, forreals, nobody's going to the dance ! It's the last 7th grade dance and nobody wants to go. Heckas disappointing ! Like, I know the other ones sucked, that's why I didn't go ! But like, this is our last one of the year. Gah, w/e. Gonna have fun without them, mwuahah :D

That one song is stuck in my heaaad.

I text in class, &Binh is always like " LEMME READ ! " &I go " NAAAH ! ". NOSY NOSY ! Him &Alec always do that. Well, now they do. Binh says I send too many flirty text messages. PSH, you don't read them ! AHAHA, I delete them anwaaaays. &Alec said he's gonna tell yeah. Ahah !

I think my daddy's mad at me. Idk, maybe it's cos he's sick. I don't want him mad at me ];
Grandpa's pissed too. Idc about him, cos he's an asshole. F'RREALS.

Aye, announcements on. I got more to say, but I'll save it from next timeee ! :D

Byee, I<3 Devin Setoguchi.

Earth Hour !


So, I'm blogging during earth hour. HEHE. VOTE EARTH !
Stop Global Warming !

Be conservative !


I love Devin Setoguchi !

Friday, March 27, 2009

What's your moan !?

AYE, It's Friday ! In about 10 minutes I have to go to the office. Were gonna find out who won ! MUCH LUCK TO EVERYONE<3

I swear, I've got major anxiety problems right now. I can't focus in class, so that's why I'm blogging (x

So today, EVERYONE is playing the sex moan game. Jade hellas spread it. Genassa punched me and Tiffany in the morning first, and I told Jade, and BOOM everyone knows. Ahaa, GAVIN PUNCHES HARD. People make interesting sounds. AHAH !

HRMM, SHOUT OUT TIMEE ! THUYVY FRICKEN TU ! ( Idk your middle name, but frickenfitswell huh ?! ) I LOVE YOUU ! You care so much, &I'd be .... Hrm, what's a good word. APPALLED. I'd be appalled if I won for president. Thuyvy Tu rocks. She makes rocks look unrocklike. Idk. But yeah. HEHEEHE

You know what I hate ? Okay, girls who wear glasses, you'll know what I mean. You're gonna give somebody this great big hug, and your glasses get pressed to your face. GAHH. HATE IT ! Happen to me with Nick, then Rj. Great huh ? I don't blame them, but like it totally ruins it (x
Like, everything is perfect, the some plastic shit gets shoved on your face ! AHAA. But, I hugged Rj again, &it didn't happen. But when it does, damnn.

SHARKS LOST TWICE ]: Setoguchi scored tho ! :D Buwhaha, twice during Chicago, and once vs. Nashville. Okay so we didn't kick Chicago's ass, but w/e SETOGUCHI SCORED ! Pavelski scored the other night too ! My two favorite players, mwuahah :D

Okays, 3 more minutes. What else to say..

HECKA HOT TODAY, hate it meng. I like to cover myself up. I'm very selfconcious, and fricken hot weather. I had to take off my jersey [x

BUT, TGIF ! Gonna babysit, but i'll get to go on the computer. Maybe me &Rj can break another record ! :D

Okays, i'ma leave noww. Wish me luck ? Idk. BYEE, I love Devin Setoguchi.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Research ? NAAAH !

So, heeey . I'm in computer tech right now . Meng, I hate this class . Supposed to be doing research crap, but i'm lazy &I feel like I've researched enough! Aahaha.

So, speeech shit ? HORRIBLE, ahaa. Talked way to fast. THUYVY<3 She made me feel better. I lovee that sexy mamaaa. So , everyone made poster. &I mean EVERYONEE. Gah , but last night I bought STICKERRRS ! :D Handed them out to a buncha people ! I felt happy, I have supporters ! Ahaa. Alot. I love everyoneee [: Even 8th graders support me ! Mwuaha.

UHMM , Election tomorrow ! I hope I win. But I'llbe happy for Thuyvy, or Emily, Or Justin ! I still want vice president thoo.

Sharks game todaay ! Bwuaha , gonna kick Chicago's ass , meng ! I wrote a biography poem for Setoguchi, for language arts &I think I might send it in (x People said I should ! Even Ms. Skinner ! I think I'll take out " Who loves me ! " part (x Maybeee , I might give it to Daniel cos his Dad's friend works there ? Idk. OMGG , there another guy with a Setoguchi jersey. One dude has a white, this other guy who wore it today has a Black Armour. GAH, IT'S FRICKEN SIGNED. DUDE, F'RREALS I WAS SCREAMING WHEN I SAW IT ! TEEHEE. I want a jerseeeey ]: I'll get one, watch. I'll save money.

HRMMM. I kept hitting Alec today. ON ACCIDENT. AHAA !

Rj told me STUFF , &I feel bad. (x

Lol, I went to my grandma's house last night, &me and Krystal talked. FUNNNN

HOUSE, not so much ]:

I wanna name one of my pets Jackie. I wanna get a Chameleon &name it Cucumber ! Then a German Shepherd, but idk the name. A Dachshund too ,but idk namee. Ahaa

I neeeeeeda buy things. For people. I need more money mengs.

AHAH, I hugged Andres after 5th, &Ann Pham &this other guy were all " AWH, YOUNG LOVE ! ". LMFAOOO, not really. Bestfriend love homiee !

Rj gives GREATGREATGREAT hugs. Ahaaaa ! (: F'reeeals. OHH, gotta ask him for the thing. he said he tagged my name for me ! I'm so special ! (= Lolll

Well, idk what else to say. 0oh0oh0ho0ho. Idk. I'll blog more tomorrow, maybe. Some time this week.

I love Devin Setoguchi !

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm sure , I'm postivie , I'm a proton !

Rj's a dork. He makes me feel very stupid. Ahaaa. He made me brake my longest phone call record ! Bwuahah , 2 hours meng. Yeah, we have some good over-the-phone laughs (x

Weeeeeeeeeek's beeing good I guess. Guess what ? I'm running for Student Body President ! :D

Vote Dominique Rosete as President ! Vote Jade Truong as Comissioner of Activites !

Teehee. So yeah. I'm giving my speech tomorrow , &I'm scared. It has to me less that 30 seconds. What kind of time limit is that. What the feeeeeeeeeeeeezzy ?! F'rreals. I had a good speech, &it was a minute long. I wanted to write a speech that didn't sound uptight, but stilll sounded " proper " , ya knoww ? So know, I have a speech that is really short &I have to say it fast -______- I doubt I'll win tho. Idkk , ahaha.

Thuyvy , Emily, &I promised we would have no hard feelings afterwards, so I'm happy with that :D

Sharks won today &YESTERDAAAAAAAY. MWUAHHAHAHAHAAH. SETOGUCHI SCORED ON SATURDAY ! AND THEN HE SCORED AN EMPTY NETTTTTER TODAY ! HEHEHHE. I hate games on Sunday. I don't get to watch.Well , i watched it on the computer, but yeahh. It's not the same ! Aha. -____- But yeah , I was screaming on Saturday. I was on the phone with Rj, &the comp was 30 seconds behind, so he was cheering, &I didn't know why. aha.

UHMMM, so i'm leanring the guitar rightttttt. I thought I was doing good, but aparently i've been doing it all wrong -___- My dad was teaching me last night. I felt bad cos he was trying his best to teach me. Aha, it took me a while to get it right. Dude, ferreals, i can't even PLUCK right. GAH. I felt like crying. BUT I DIDN'T ! Cos i'm strong ! Ahaa. I didn't wanna give up, like before with pianoo. ahaa, like i'ma practice ALOTT cos i reallyreallyreally wanna learn. &yeahh.
Rj says he wants me to sing a song while he plays the guitar .Eew. Ahaa

I love my babysister. I like when she wants me to holdher. she's so sweeeeet. ah.

okays, idk what else to sayy &I'm lazy. BYE, I LOVE DEVIN SETOGUCHII.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


HOLAS. I want things. Aha , this blog's prolly gonna be heckas random .

I got my privilages bacccccccccccccck [: Happy. But my momma didn't change my photobucket back , so I can't upload pictures &all that jazz. I think i might make a new one .... idk LAZY .

Sharks won 2 in a row =D I HATE THE DUCKS , BWUAHA . Ah , dude , the fricken Kings game went for round 7 shootouts. Setoguchi was sent out , &I almost cried meng. That's the second time he was sent out. He didn't make it [x I was so happpppy tho ! He was close. I was screaming so much , &I prolly would've cried if he made it ! It's likee , he did it for me =D So jitttttereryerteyug. Yeah. I love Devin Setoguchi.

UHM , my sister is so cutee [: I love her alot. She's so adorable and innocent and yeah. Aha.

I had a quesedilla [ sp? ] today &my daddy bought me Jarritos ! Haven't had it in a whileee. Ah , i seem so Mexican huh. I was laughing at the mariachi music &I think my dad got mad. aha.

Nikki came over today ! Fun-ish. I felt like a hobo. Aha. I love Mario kart ! &MARIO MUSHROOMS. ALOT :D We took alot of retared pictures.

I didn't do my hair poem. 0oh well , it's do tuesday.

I think he was hitting on me 0___o

I'm hungry.

I took a shower, but i forgot to bring my straightner, &ew.

Nikki let me borrow her Th1rteen R3asons Why book. I like it. But it's yeah. I finished it in 2 days :D

I fixed my myspace. Mwuaha. Well I wanna put more, but yeah.


UGHH, I can't believe you told her that. Alec &I trusted you. Fcken blabber mouth &you twtisted what really happened.

Recently I've been listening to the song Changes ! =D
The song Never Ever makes me sad, I can relate..

I wanna make a wishlist thing. Ah.

I wanna learn a buncha songs on the guitar ! DID I TELL YOU I'M LEARNING GUITAR ?! =D
My daddy hasn't practiced with me ]: 0oh well , i'll remind him. When i can do the chords really good &I know at least one song really good, I'm gonna get my own guitar ! I know which one i want. It's made in Japan =D I'm gonna get it signed by Setoguchi HEHEHE. Hey There Deliah is easy, or so my daddy says, so he said he'll teach me that first.

We might get the house we wannanananna buy soon. It's pretty. When we get it , Benjie's coming back =D Thenn, were gonna get a Chameleon ! I wanna name it Cucumber. Lol. &I want a German Shepard, but my Daddy said no. We'll get a Golden, &I guess that's aight tooo.

Read my other blog poem thought things. Lol.

So many things to saaay. But can't remember. I'll blog in comp tech tomorrow maybe ? Aha. BYEEE. I love Devin Setoguchi.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hey y'aaaaaallll. Lmao, how stupid. Anyways, I'm at school right now... Hope I don't get caught, TEEEHEEE. 6th period, ten minutes of class left. So, i'm bored right nows. &LLONLEY ! Lmao,forreals. Shtiuefs happened. So now, I know I have close friends, but I feel like an outcast wherever I go )= I don't want HIMM to talk to me. Lol, I'm mean. But I sick of it. I'm sick of alot of things . I'm done with it all, I want things to change drastically for the better, or go back to how it was WAY BACK WHEN. . I'm not comfortable around alot of people noww. I hate how things are going ! GAHH. &I'm sick of tons. Idk how to describe it. SIGHH.

GOD DAMNN. I sweaaar, everyone's ganging up on him for NO FREAKING REASON. This girl and a buncha other people, needs to face the fact that he's right. He wasn't trying to start drama, he was trying to set her straight. He didn't like what was happening so he did something about it. That takes courage, so you dipshits shut up. You couldn't stand up like that &I know it. I'm sorry, but I'm being honest. People talk hellas shit, but don't do anything about it. Instead of gossiping about it, Alec confronted the issue. His fricken relationship is at risk because of what ? NOTHING. People talk to much. PISS THE FUCKK OFF MY SON !

Aaha, people these days, am I right ? So yeah, gotta go soon.Week has been not so good, but not terrible. Blog more later. BYEE.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In-N'-Out is Yummooo

AIGHT. Deeng, haven't posted in a long time. THERE'S A FUCKING REASON. Basicly, I got in trouble cos my parents ASUMEDD I had a boyfriend. LIESSS. I don't see how I lied to them. That's what they said, but whatever past is over. Bleh. The only thing I did that I know was wrong was talk late at night for like and hour. Ahahah. So yeah, hellas shit. Can't go on the computer cos of that. But I go on anyways. Lmao. No myspace, no aim, no nothaaaaaang. Whatever, my life's gonna get better. I know it...

SCHOOOOOOOL, it's been okay. Recently had this big writing test, but I think I did okay. I'm mad at my grades. I'm not bragging, but I have straight A's, but I'm asian, so I'm mad they aren't straight A+'s. Ahaaa. Let's see. 1st period is usually okay. In the beggingingging of class I sit with Marissaa and we talk. Then I talk with Alec during class. Ahah. I have Poker Buddy, Isaiah, Daniel, Bryce, and a buncha other people. 2nd period P.E. . Hrm, I hated it. I still kinda do, but recently it's been fun cos of volleyball. We won the mile pass ! =D I think this 8th grader likes me 0__o I don't know him much. But he always talks to me. &I noticed during volleyball games he get close to me. Freaky. &another thing is, he's my good friend's EX. So like, WOAH NOW. Idk, freaky meng. OHYEAH, I tried out for volleyball, but I didn't make the cut. I made the 1st cut. Idk if i put that in my other blog. I'll check later. Aha. But yeah, volleyball is funn [: Uhrmm, I feel guilty at school cos of stuff, but I usually forget about it. AHAH. Break is usually okay. Ahah. 3rd period is mostly boring. Walking to 4th period is funn. Chris is a faggot. Aha. 4th still sucks ass. But we had a pizza party cos we came in 2nd for spirit. Fun party. I got a ballon. So did Cathy ! Ahah. eew, I hate the yard duty biaaatchh. WHAVTERTERVHFRKVHJFL. 5th period is still horrible, but it's survivable thanks to Undress Ocho and my son. Yes, they make me laugh like shit. Recently, we play the penis game alot. Very fun. Walking to 6th is nice. I still hate 6th period. But there are a few days where I'm okay. SIGHHH. Hellas stuff to say, but yeah. Too much to type. I get mad alot at at school, but nobody knows, BWUAHHAA. I don't talk to that many people, but I started to talk more with others, so yeah. Rains alot at school. I love it, but I hate what it does to my hair. Aha. 0OH YEAHHH ! I made top five in the class for my Science Project ! I did bad infront of the judges tho (x I heckas stuttered. But whatever, I'm still proud of myself :D Hrmm, pretty much it for school. Oh yeah, if you and I are close, I've prolly told you about HRAMKHLSIHDLJGDSKHKLJBZ. So many songs remind me so much. So yeah, I look forward to that everyday... -____-

SHARKKKKS. FUCK, we've been doing crappy recently. Ever since we killed the Red Wings, we've been bad. Like we have SOME good games, but still we win barely. Like in games we won, it's been close like 2-1. They've lost 4 in a row for the 1st time this season, AND lost in regulation twice in a row for the first time tooo. Gahhh, I'm so pissed. I KNOW the Sharks can do better, and it pisses the hell out of me when they don't play as good as they can ! Damnnn. It's just reallly disappointing. I hate the Ref's, they're stupid dipshits. jlhdfsigaadsgf. I love Devin Setoguchi. Joe Pavelski is the shiznitz. FOOORRREAAAAALLLSSS.

I'm done with crushes for now. Gah, got me in trouble for no reason. SIGHSIGH. So, I'm not gonna be stupid, but yeah. I've prolly explained it to youu.

My parants have found this nice house, and hopefully we can move into it. I can still stay at the school tho ! So yeah, It's really pretty and and stuff.

Today I had In-N'-Out, and bought $3.00 chapstick. It's very nice. Played lotta wiii. Hrm, I hate my face alot. D: I'm serious, I sit in the bathroom and stare at myself. I feel like stabbing my face. It's so disgustiing... I'm so self concious lmao. 0oh0ho0hoh, I'm learning how to play the guitar, my stepdaddy is teaching me ! =D There's alot of other things I wanna learn, but idk. One at a time. I'm more motivated about the guitar. So yeah. Ahaha. My step momm gave me size-3 pants. They're nice, and kinda fit me, but they're baggy. Idc, I'll still wear them. Ahah. Soo, idk what else to say. I'm empty right now. Aha, when I remember I'lll add it.

Sometimes I'll sneak onto the computer on Sundays. So yeah. ADDD MY OLD AIMM ! I'm MIGHT go on it every now and then. Dom1059. KAYS ? [:
I love Devin Setoguchi !

Sunday, February 1, 2009


GAH, I'm really lazy, so I prolly won't write as much as I wanna. Lol, who knows.

MONDAY; The day after < / 3 Looking at him hurt. I felt so out of it tha day, couldn't focus on shit. GAH. My socks got hellas wet during facking PE. LOL, I saved Kelsey from the basketball ! The ball was above her, &I was like " SHIT, KELSEY MOVE ! " Then I pulled her. LOL, I saved her, MWUAHAH. Lmao, Marissa was like " KRYZEL NOOO ! " Hah. I hate Mrs. Woodley, so fcken much. She give the stupidest assginments. IAUDBwertyhgbdcfvgh.

TUESDAY; MILE. Remember how my leg was injurededed ? It hurt, gah. I was like running &limping. LOLL, Andres called someone a bitch &it was funny. DAMN, that boy makes me laugh. 5th period is survivable now. Volleyball meeting at lunch ! Yay. AH, My grandpa is annnoying. He thinks he's help everyone, but he just gets in the way -_- MEH, Nikki understands.

Wednesday; Kelsey made me wear my Jersey -__-, her's is better. I felt so mediocre. Or however you speell it. Bleh. MY TEAM WON IN SCOOPS, MWUAHAH. Were getting better. :D
Woodley's class is so boring. AGH. &Ifelt better about him.

Thrusday; KANGAROO'S HAVE LONG ASS PENIS'S. IM FUCKEN SERIOUS. Lmaoo. Ah, Ihrene &I ganged up on Angelica. You see, we argue that each other is pretty. When CLEARLY, THEY ARE. LMFAO. MAGAH. Philip is so strong. He hugged me, &I almost fell. LMFAO, he's too strong. GAH. AHAH! Ah, we almost won in scoops. Against the best team ! Mwuahahaha !
We played haacky sack at lunch. Well, I kinda did. LOL, cos I kicked it once. Chris almost kicked me -__- LOSERR ! Ahahah ! I went to Nikki's house after school :D

Friday; ALMOST WON IN SCOOPS AGAIN. MWUAHAH, I CAN CATCH NOW, IM SO GOOD. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! 0oh yeah ! Andres finally gave me his picture! :D I bought my science board. EH, I kinda don't like her -_- PHILIP'S FRIENDS WERE TALKING ABOUT ME LMFAO.
GAH. &btw, Wife, I don't talk to myself d:

Saturday; Babysat. Eh. SHARKS FCKEN LOST. SHIET.

Sunday; Boring ass day. Shiet, SuperBowl. Lol, didn't watch it tho. Went to one of thoe FILIPINO PARTIES. Gah, 4 hours in my cousins room. So bored. Lol, I got a cupcake tho ! LOLL. My cousin gave me shoes ! Yay. Uhm, lol, she attacked me with pictures -_- GAH. Boring. FOOD AT BURGER KING IS NASTY. It tastes bad, the service is slow &bad, &the communication is bad. ;sjdubg.jag.

Tomorrooow is the 1st day of VolleyBall tryouts, I won't make it. But I still wanna try out. For fun, you know. Andyeah. I'm nervous, IT'S ALL IRENE'S FAULT. LMFAOO ! I need new shoes. PE shoes -_-
Like, the ones i have are crappy, &has holes. Gah, I've slipped like 5 times, ONCE on the cement, where it wasnt wet .. Geeeze.

I'm nervous, for everything. I wanna skip school this whole week. AGDISFLzbs ]:

Sunday, January 25, 2009


LMFAO, last night, I was all to my StepDad, " DADDDY, I LIKE CORN. " &he was all " You like what !? " LMFAOOO, he thought I said PORN [x

AIGHT, so MONDAY, OBAAAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA ! YEAHS, FOO'. Even though, I'm not really " involved " in the world today, well I'm the next generation, &it's time for change meng ! LOLOLOL, we were in 2nd period PE &Mrs. Olden. HEHE, The announcements went on &Mrs. Olden was all " AYE, SHUT UP. I needa hear this ! " LMFAOOOO ! Then Mr. Bond was all " Congratulations, President Obama " LOL[: Well, new semester . EEW, I sweaaaar, i fcken hate Mr. Askanas. 0oh0oh0ho0ho0hoh0oh0o0ho ! Andres is my TA for 5th period ! Yaaaaaaaaays[: I feel bad for him, cos he has to help Mrs. Woodley. Who wants to do that.. Lmfao. LOLOL, I remember I hellas needed to pee. So I went, &when I we gonna open the door Andres got there at the same time &I was all, I went pee &my hands are wet.. LMFAO &Andres was all " You went to the bathroom ? " Ahahhahahaha. Funny.
&then he needed A pencil &he came to me, &was all can i borrow that ? &I was all shure. &Mrs. Woodley was all Andres...... LOLOLOL ! &he was all, I needed a pencil. &she was like, ask me next time. So he was all , Can I have a pencil ? AHHAHHA, DATS PAAANNNNYY.

LOL, I feel lonley &empty in PE &CompTech. ]: No one talks to meee. Like I know people, but like, I'm closer to the people I had last semester. D:

WEDNESDAAAY; LMFAOOO. Dylan is so fcken awesomee. He's indian ! LMFAO, he was wearing Jamacian colors. So I was all, Are you Jamacian !? &he was all no.... DO i have to be Jamacian to like these colors ? &I was all No... but I was just asking. Hey are you Mexican ? &he was liek, no... &i was all Flip ? &he was like no... So i asked, then what are you !? &he was alike I'm indian ! LOLOL, SO i was all, REALLY ?! &he was like, yeah I have curry in my backpack ! LMFAOOOO ! I was hellas was laughing. EEWEEWEWEWEW, ANDRES LIKES JOE THORTON, EEEEW. WTFF. Aha.

Saturday; BABYSAAT, Lol I love my Sisterrr. YoungStar gameee ! WE FCKEN LOSTT D;
9-5, WTFF. That's gay. &Ifell. &I think I sprained mycalf mucsle, or pulled it or something... Hellas hurts.

TODAY; Not such a Nice day.. Leg hurtedd. Couldn't go to Nikkkki's house. WEST COAST LOST IN THE FCKEN ALLSTAR GAMEEEEE. That's gaaaaaaaay. 11-11, then we lost in SHOOTOUTS. GAY GAY GAY. Helllas lazy today. &then THAT happened ;L I can't really describe it. He says sorry. Told him it's not his fault, but it still hurts. Yeahs, thinking about it make me ... You know.. I've never cried over a guy. Almost did once or twice, &this came close too. &it pisses me off, cos when did we ever TALK. UGH, so hard to explain. Sadness isn't even the begginning. Argh...

Lol, i needa download songs /:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Understanding, Taking it in &Moving on.

I've been realizing alot of things lately.

I've been realizing, who my friends are. Who's nice. Who's worth liking. What's worth my time. Should I do that. Should I do that. Am I mean, am I nice. Does that look good. Does this sounds nice. Are you goood enough, are they good enough.

SOOOO, with friends.
I'm starting to seee, that some friends are leaving. Likee, some I just met &that, they aren't considered close. &others i've known since elementary, but idk anymore... &like, friends act like they know you now. They do what they THINK will make you happy. PEOPLE too ! Not just friends. They ASUME EVERYTHING. They THINK you like them. They THINK you have a crush in this person. They THINK you're mad. They THINK you understand. They THINK they understand you. People need to stop hiding what they wanna know, &just ask. Don't jump to conclusions, you know ? I'm starting to realize what i should worry about now.

Nice vs. MEAN
I've been meaner lately. Like, IFFF you know me, you know, I'm nice. Sometimes, too nice. But recently, i've been meaner. Doubt anyones noticed. but like I yell more &i'm not afraid to insult people. &then I don't feel bad, untill a bit laterr. So, it's awkward. It's like, not me. you know ?

AIGHTTT. I hate liking people. You know how bad it HURTS ? Probably.. Like they lead you on, they ACT like they like you. They say nice things, &you obsesse over it. Like they say, I miss you. &you start to think THINGS. It just so harddd. Like, I end up falling for someone HARDDD, &they end up not liking me back. &I start hurting. Maybe they find out, then it's killed. You know, I've noticed that I fall harder for the people who don't like me back. IDK WHY ? Like, if they like me back, great, but idk. I liked people more, but they don't like me ? IDK...
&I've noticed that I fall harder/hardest for guys who don't like me back. LMFAO, it's like a turn-off when they like me or something. I guess it's cos' I don't know much about " being in a relationship ". But whatever. It's confusingg Like,if they like me, at first I'm all, yay. Then it gets awkward, you know ?

I need to manage my time now. I end up not doing things &it come back to haunt me. I need to stop being lazy ! /= I know, it's not good for me. I have big aspirations, but laziness &procrastination isn't gonna bring me anywhere...

Whining isn't gonna get you NOWHERRE. Just gotta accept what coming &live with it. Were getting older &we needa act more resonsiblee. If we keep actiing like this, we won'tdo anything later. argh -___- Take it slow thoo, Amy knows.

I NEED TO THINKK, life's coming at me fast, &i needa get my head straight menggs.


AIGHTTT, Hellllas lazy to type the whole week. So, i'ma do the mains.

I'M NOT A FUCKING STONER. LMDFAOO. Just cos I know how weed smells.... d:

FRIIDAAAY, last fckking day in PEEERADVISORY, HELLLASS GAY. Ima miss Ms. Stracke &Cindy &more people. ]:
BUTT, we watched MICHAEL JACKSONNN, AHAHHA ! Fcken love himm, he's not a fag.
He's fricken talented, fcken shiznitz meng. Lmao.
FACKEN SHARKS VS. DETROITREDWINGS. HELLAS GGOOOD ASSS FUCKEN GAMME ! I WAS HEALLAAAAAAAS SCREAMING. LMFAO. Likee, they played muchmuch better. WE WONNN. mwuahhahahahaha ! You should seee me watching, it's funny. Lke they're Stanley Cup CHAMPSSS ! &we beat them 6-5 ! Like, last time they had back to back, so we won. Then we had back to back, so they won. This time, everyone was rested, so yeah. OMG, helllas funny Setoguchi was being interviewed during the game &he was all " Yeah, it's heard, cos we're playing the best team in the leauge. " Then THORTON comes out of nowwhere " HEY, WE'RE the best team in the league. " AHHAHAHA ! Eeew, Thorton. ARGH, as a freaking amazing hockey player he is, I just don't like him. LOL ! Okay, I have my fave players mwuahaha.
#2. Pavelski
^^those two are kinda tied, but I like Pavelski a bitt more. LOL. [:
^^Tied !
#6. Clowweeee !
#7. Marleau ! - Crazy-Ass-Nigguh, right thereeee
#8. Vlasic - AYE, gotta love Kelsey's man ;D LMFAOOO, my stepdad. Vlasic was roughing, like hellas people. So like my dad was all " MAN, he can never look scary. He looks like a baby. " ME -" That's meeeaaaan ! " " He looks so innocent tho? "
Yeah, pretty much it. Loll.

Lollls, fun todaaays. PAPAPAPAPAPPAs b-ddaaay. Barrio FIESTAAA, GreatMalll, &Nikki's housee.
I almost cried dude, I"M FUCKEN SERIOUS. Cos DEVIN SETOGUCHI did a signing todday. I WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING GO. BUT FUCKING, dad's bday. WHY TODAY ? Dude, i was gonna pay for it, with my own fucken money. ]: I almost cried reaalll bad.

ARGH, anyways. NIKKIS HOUSE, did QIK, phone, &comp. Laughed like shiet. HELLASSS fun.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


FACCCCKK, comp broke, so I typeed part of this last week. LMFAOO. This is late, 1st week of JANUARYY !

HEYO HEYO ! Lol, reminds me of the Cheetah Girls. FUEGO FUEGO ! LOLOLL ! So long-ass week to talk about ! Mwuahaha, I remeber EVERTHING ! That's how special it was :D Maybe I wrote it down.... ;DD

So Monday was My Birthday ! Yay, I'm 13. MWUAHAHAH , I'M OLDD ! Lottas people said Happy Birthday to me. [= I felt so special. It was really nice having tons of people say Happy B-day to me. I liked it better than having people give me gifts. Like, it means alot that people remembered, even if they didn't get me anything, you know ?! But yeah, heres the gifts (x : I got presents from Nikki, Jade, Nick, Cindy, Angela, Binh, &Caisey. Nikki gave me underwear, that fits... 0___o &A jacket, a giraffe, &a card. [: Jade wrote me a letter. Nick gave me gatorade, LOL ! Cindy got me Lipgloss. WHATCHA KNOW BOUT ME !? WHATCHA WHATCHA KNOW ?! YOU KNOW MY LIPGLOSS IS COOL, MY LIPGLOSS IS POPPIN, I SAVE IT IN MY LOCKER &ALL THE BOYS BE STOPPINGGG ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ! Angela got me a bag thingy &perfume. What are you trying to say ?! Do I stink !? Lol. Binh got me SUSPENDERSSS ! YAYAY ! Caisey got me a body spray thing &body wash.. Yeah, I think that means I stink.. AHHAHAHA ! Family got me a Sharks Calender, a Sharks beanie, &A Sharks tote bag. I kinda felt awkward, cos that alot of Sharks stuff. I mean I like it, but yeah. You know ? Lol. When I was opening the stuff Nikki gave me these 8th graders came &were all " Awh, look. It's Christmas again. Ahha, fcking SEVIEES ! ". OMGGG, I'M A SEVENTH GRADER. NOT A SEVIEE. DON'T CALL ME A SEVIE. Stupid fckers. Amy knows ;D Lol. ANYWAYS ! In PE, Victor called me a Tomboy. Fck, I hate when people label me. You can't fkcen judge me. Just cos I like video games, doesn't mean I'm a guy. Fck you. LOL. Then at the end of the day, THESE LOSERS caked me with brownies &whipped cream. I saw them holding what looked like cupcakes &I hecked stopped like dead. Staring, Cos I already knew meng, Ahahahahah ! It was funny, cos I ran away, &they got me. LOL. &I went over to the place where you wait for people to pick you up &this 8th grader came up to me &started staring at me. &He was like " Aahah, WOAH. Who jacked off on your face ?! HAHA ! MY TURN. " Eww. He was ugly anyways. So whatver, LOL. 0oh yeah, I was right. I was disappointed. &Philiip still owes me a b-day hug !

AIGHT, Tuesday, I didn't have a jacket -___- Man it was HEELLAAAS COLD ! I felt really sick &tired-ish. Eeews. Then THUYVY was sososososossossosososososossosososoooooooooooooo nice &gave me her jacket &THEN SHE WAS COLD. I felt hhecka bad. Thuyvy's is the bestestest[:
Okays, 2nd period we tlked about goals. It was fun-ish. Break was okays. In 4th period &took Tiffany's old jacket, cos she didn't want it. So I gave Thuyvy her jacket thing back. Uhm, after school went to Lucky's &I got kinda pissed off. Lol.

Wednesday, DANICAA'S BDAAAY ! Yay, I wrote her a letter. Lol. Nikki brought my jacket[: I felt tired &sick-ish again. Bleeeh, I still am sick. 3rd period, did spelling with Himani, hellas funny. &I found a moth named Jerry. Well, named it Jerry, but he's dead. AHAHHAHA ! Dude, in Social Studies &Math I fell asleep. Well almossst. Cathy was speeping. Lol. I got 8:54 on my mile 0___o But since they made the thing bigger, Mrs. Olden made us only run 2 laps, so yeah, idk. At home I was reaaly reaaaaaaallllly tired. I had Pizza Rolls :D Went Roller Skating with my StepPADA &Sister. It was funny she kept on falling =D AHAHAHHAH !

Thursday, THAO's & THUYVY's BDAY's ! YAAAAY ! Lol, In 1st period we took notes &Mr. Purpura told us the toilet story, AHAHHA ! EEEW, I found out I have COMPUTER TECHH, WTFFF, UGH. &FCKN, I FORGOT TO GIVE MY YEARBOOK SHIET, SO E;HIBSZDG. FUCK IT I'LL GIVE IT AGAIN ON MONDAY. Stupid Mr. Bond. He was all " Schedules come out on wednesday, so we can't tell them their elective. " Fck that nigggaaaah. I felt hellas bad, cos i was the only one who got to find out my elective. Lmfao. P.E. was funn, we played Hockey =D
After school, I felt really pissed off. Idk why, I almost cried. Loll.

FRIDAAAY ! Watched they play. It was AIGHHTTT. Funny-sh, but boring cos you couldn't anything. Watched a movie in Social Studies &I almost fell asleep. 0oh0hoh, the schedule was different. So yeah. Break, I got helllas pisssed. Everyopne was all happpy, &I felt miserable. &BTW BITCH. I don't see how every fcken little fcken thing fcken works out for you. I hate herrrr. &no, I'm not telling her off on the internet, cos that's gay. I'm just saying, I reaaaaallly dislike her. Anyways, during 2nd period we watched a movie. I crieddd so bad. Cos like I was already pissed, &with the movie of a dog name BENJI, gosh, that made it 123456789009876543221 times worse. Kelsey &Amanda &Cindy &Janelle &Marissa &Ms. Stracke were all there for me. They all rock. They're the shiznitz :D I misss Benjie <33
HRM, Nick threw a water bottle at me. Ahahahahhahaha ! After schoool, I went to Nikki's houseeee. TALENT SHOWWW. HOLY FUCK, I met Uyeeeen ! [: Yay, I was so happpppppy. But like, it pissed me off, cos Chris was all, I'ma sit next to Uyen &I was all, I wanna sit next to her ? But he was all, NOOO, You barely know her. &it's like, wtff, just cos I havent met her in person, doesn't mean i don't know her -__-
Talent show was funnn. People sang good, some people didn't. LOLL. These girls danced bad [x Lmfaoo. &PRAAAKAAHHRR fcken awesomee[: LMFAOOO, THAO's HELLLAS FUNNYYY. She's all " YEAAAH, GO PRAAAKAHHRR ! " &he started dancing &she was HEEELLLLAAAS laughing ! Ahhahahaahhhahaah. [: &then Virisa went onn. I think she was like, the only person who performed, that no one stoppped cheering. I'm serious. Like, everyone else, people would start talking &yeah, but with Virisa, she it was like non-stop. Yeaah &then I was all " I love you, Virisa ! " &behind me Thao screams, hellas loud , " I LOVE YOU VIRISAAA ! ". LMFAO, so I go, I said it 1st ! &she says, " Well, I said it louder. " AHHAHAH I'm all, " True... "

LOLLL, fun [:

AIGHT, that was JAN5-JAN9

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First post of 2009 !

Happy New Year ! Woah, haven't posted since last year. Mmkae, so I'll just go over big stuffs. Christmas was funn. Hung out with Krystal [ Cousin ] &saw my dog<3 Uhm, Got a Sharks Jersey ! =D Yay, no # but, whatevaah, I still like it. Uhm, WATCHED TWILIGHT WIHT NIKKI ! YESS FINALLY ! MWUAHAHAHAH ! On Archie's b-day ! Happy 18th cakedaaay. December 28th. Mmkae, we saw Alain's brother there ! Woooah ! Eric. Ahahha, HAIR FLIPS ! Ew, stupid white friend. No offense to white people, but hes probably racist. LMFAO. Called me &Nikki fcken whores. Eeeew. Okay, next big thing.... 0oh ! Went to RENO ! Yay. Saw snow. Only stayed for one day tho. New Years, stayed home. Okay-ish. Uhm, New Year was Devin Setoguchi's birthday. Argh, fcken break, very long. Watched Sharks Games. Babysat. Pretty much it. Today, went to D&B with Nikki. Funnn. I tried calling peoples, but they didn't answer &called back when we we're in the car &already at the mall. HRM, we walked around GreatMall for a long time. Karla was there ! =D I bought a sweater from H&M. We saw BIONIC. I didn't know his name, Nikki did. LOL. Went to lots of stores. Took pictures, kinda. Very fun. Laughed alot. Yeeeh. UHM, got a smoothie. Took lots more pictures in the car. Sang to Can't Believe It &Smack that =D Dropped Nikki off. Home now &Blogging. I love my sister. The smallest one. LOL. She's adorable<3 She cried when I left. Tomorrow is school. Tomorrow, I'm excited. I have a feeling I'll be disappointed tho. /= HRM. SHIET, I haven't started HW. Fcken UGRH. Hate it. 0oh, been having problems. 1st off, I know friends are allowed to be mean to each other, but you don't seem to realize when you've gone too far. UGH, &I hate being replaced.

New Years Resolutions ;

- Slim down the Tummy /=

- Less Lazy. Bad bad, shame shame.

- Be less jealous. I get jealous easily, but no one knows. Not like in crushes, but everything. Like I'll be happy for a person, but HELLLAS jealous on the inside. " Stop looking at what you ain't got, &start appreciating the things you do got. "

- Go to Reality regularly /more often. Miss it, mengg.

- Be less self-consious, AHAH !

- Stop wanting everything to be perfect.

HRM, I think I know the difference between a crush &likeing someone ... I haven't really truly liked someone since November. I liked him for 4 months. Then got over him. The longest I've liked a guy is 4 months for both those guys. They're my bestfriends, so I'm glad I don't like them anymore. I've had tons of crushes. Just thinking they're cute &nice &stuffs for a few days. HRM. I don't want to like anyone anymore -___-
At the moment, I don't. Yay.

Last night I had the weirdest dream. It seemed like the 1st day of school, but everyone was crying. So everyone was saying I miss/missed you &stuff, but like people were HELLLAS crying. I was crying too. &There were Quimby buildings &looked like the field at Norwood. I saw everyone &hugged everyone. &then I hugged this one guy, for the longest timee ! Longer &harder than I've ever ever ever ever ever EVVVEEEERR hugged anyone. It felt so reaaal ! But I didn't see his face. I was crying in his arms, hugging himm &saying I miss you so much. &he was all comforting me &yeah. It felt good<3 Idk, but it kinda scares me. LOL. I don't understand it, confusing dream /=