Sunday, May 31, 2009


I love you Rj. ALMOST 2 months, wooow. I miss you whenever we're not together. I know you're scared ' you'll lose me ', but I don't think that will happen. I love youuu. God, I love you. I wanna be with you right now, &just hold on to you. See that up there ? ^ I never wanna let go. I love you with all my heart. Baabe, everything you say &do just makes me happy. I'm not sure if you're " the one ", but I hope so. Soooo badly. I love you. I love your smile, your laugh, your voice. I love your hugs<3 It doesn't matter what happens, I promised you. I love you now &I always will. From the bottom of my heart, forever &ever &ever. Mahal kita, soooo much. So, whatever your bad thoughts are, don't think them. They're wrong. You're important to me. I love you, nothing can change that. I care about you. I want you to know that. Realize it. Pleaaasee, don't be saad. I love youu. Baaabe, I'm in love with you.

&the title, btw, is the song I'm listening too [:

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