Sunday, January 11, 2009


FACCCCKK, comp broke, so I typeed part of this last week. LMFAOO. This is late, 1st week of JANUARYY !

HEYO HEYO ! Lol, reminds me of the Cheetah Girls. FUEGO FUEGO ! LOLOLL ! So long-ass week to talk about ! Mwuahaha, I remeber EVERTHING ! That's how special it was :D Maybe I wrote it down.... ;DD

So Monday was My Birthday ! Yay, I'm 13. MWUAHAHAH , I'M OLDD ! Lottas people said Happy Birthday to me. [= I felt so special. It was really nice having tons of people say Happy B-day to me. I liked it better than having people give me gifts. Like, it means alot that people remembered, even if they didn't get me anything, you know ?! But yeah, heres the gifts (x : I got presents from Nikki, Jade, Nick, Cindy, Angela, Binh, &Caisey. Nikki gave me underwear, that fits... 0___o &A jacket, a giraffe, &a card. [: Jade wrote me a letter. Nick gave me gatorade, LOL ! Cindy got me Lipgloss. WHATCHA KNOW BOUT ME !? WHATCHA WHATCHA KNOW ?! YOU KNOW MY LIPGLOSS IS COOL, MY LIPGLOSS IS POPPIN, I SAVE IT IN MY LOCKER &ALL THE BOYS BE STOPPINGGG ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ! Angela got me a bag thingy &perfume. What are you trying to say ?! Do I stink !? Lol. Binh got me SUSPENDERSSS ! YAYAY ! Caisey got me a body spray thing &body wash.. Yeah, I think that means I stink.. AHHAHAHA ! Family got me a Sharks Calender, a Sharks beanie, &A Sharks tote bag. I kinda felt awkward, cos that alot of Sharks stuff. I mean I like it, but yeah. You know ? Lol. When I was opening the stuff Nikki gave me these 8th graders came &were all " Awh, look. It's Christmas again. Ahha, fcking SEVIEES ! ". OMGGG, I'M A SEVENTH GRADER. NOT A SEVIEE. DON'T CALL ME A SEVIE. Stupid fckers. Amy knows ;D Lol. ANYWAYS ! In PE, Victor called me a Tomboy. Fck, I hate when people label me. You can't fkcen judge me. Just cos I like video games, doesn't mean I'm a guy. Fck you. LOL. Then at the end of the day, THESE LOSERS caked me with brownies &whipped cream. I saw them holding what looked like cupcakes &I hecked stopped like dead. Staring, Cos I already knew meng, Ahahahahah ! It was funny, cos I ran away, &they got me. LOL. &I went over to the place where you wait for people to pick you up &this 8th grader came up to me &started staring at me. &He was like " Aahah, WOAH. Who jacked off on your face ?! HAHA ! MY TURN. " Eww. He was ugly anyways. So whatver, LOL. 0oh yeah, I was right. I was disappointed. &Philiip still owes me a b-day hug !

AIGHT, Tuesday, I didn't have a jacket -___- Man it was HEELLAAAS COLD ! I felt really sick &tired-ish. Eeews. Then THUYVY was sososososossossosososososossosososoooooooooooooo nice &gave me her jacket &THEN SHE WAS COLD. I felt hhecka bad. Thuyvy's is the bestestest[:
Okays, 2nd period we tlked about goals. It was fun-ish. Break was okays. In 4th period &took Tiffany's old jacket, cos she didn't want it. So I gave Thuyvy her jacket thing back. Uhm, after school went to Lucky's &I got kinda pissed off. Lol.

Wednesday, DANICAA'S BDAAAY ! Yay, I wrote her a letter. Lol. Nikki brought my jacket[: I felt tired &sick-ish again. Bleeeh, I still am sick. 3rd period, did spelling with Himani, hellas funny. &I found a moth named Jerry. Well, named it Jerry, but he's dead. AHAHHAHA ! Dude, in Social Studies &Math I fell asleep. Well almossst. Cathy was speeping. Lol. I got 8:54 on my mile 0___o But since they made the thing bigger, Mrs. Olden made us only run 2 laps, so yeah, idk. At home I was reaaly reaaaaaaallllly tired. I had Pizza Rolls :D Went Roller Skating with my StepPADA &Sister. It was funny she kept on falling =D AHAHAHHAH !

Thursday, THAO's & THUYVY's BDAY's ! YAAAAY ! Lol, In 1st period we took notes &Mr. Purpura told us the toilet story, AHAHHA ! EEEW, I found out I have COMPUTER TECHH, WTFFF, UGH. &FCKN, I FORGOT TO GIVE MY YEARBOOK SHIET, SO E;HIBSZDG. FUCK IT I'LL GIVE IT AGAIN ON MONDAY. Stupid Mr. Bond. He was all " Schedules come out on wednesday, so we can't tell them their elective. " Fck that nigggaaaah. I felt hellas bad, cos i was the only one who got to find out my elective. Lmfao. P.E. was funn, we played Hockey =D
After school, I felt really pissed off. Idk why, I almost cried. Loll.

FRIDAAAY ! Watched they play. It was AIGHHTTT. Funny-sh, but boring cos you couldn't anything. Watched a movie in Social Studies &I almost fell asleep. 0oh0hoh, the schedule was different. So yeah. Break, I got helllas pisssed. Everyopne was all happpy, &I felt miserable. &BTW BITCH. I don't see how every fcken little fcken thing fcken works out for you. I hate herrrr. &no, I'm not telling her off on the internet, cos that's gay. I'm just saying, I reaaaaallly dislike her. Anyways, during 2nd period we watched a movie. I crieddd so bad. Cos like I was already pissed, &with the movie of a dog name BENJI, gosh, that made it 123456789009876543221 times worse. Kelsey &Amanda &Cindy &Janelle &Marissa &Ms. Stracke were all there for me. They all rock. They're the shiznitz :D I misss Benjie <33
HRM, Nick threw a water bottle at me. Ahahahahhahaha ! After schoool, I went to Nikki's houseeee. TALENT SHOWWW. HOLY FUCK, I met Uyeeeen ! [: Yay, I was so happpppppy. But like, it pissed me off, cos Chris was all, I'ma sit next to Uyen &I was all, I wanna sit next to her ? But he was all, NOOO, You barely know her. &it's like, wtff, just cos I havent met her in person, doesn't mean i don't know her -__-
Talent show was funnn. People sang good, some people didn't. LOLL. These girls danced bad [x Lmfaoo. &PRAAAKAAHHRR fcken awesomee[: LMFAOOO, THAO's HELLLAS FUNNYYY. She's all " YEAAAH, GO PRAAAKAHHRR ! " &he started dancing &she was HEEELLLLAAAS laughing ! Ahhahahaahhhahaah. [: &then Virisa went onn. I think she was like, the only person who performed, that no one stoppped cheering. I'm serious. Like, everyone else, people would start talking &yeah, but with Virisa, she it was like non-stop. Yeaah &then I was all " I love you, Virisa ! " &behind me Thao screams, hellas loud , " I LOVE YOU VIRISAAA ! ". LMFAO, so I go, I said it 1st ! &she says, " Well, I said it louder. " AHHAHAH I'm all, " True... "

LOLLL, fun [:

AIGHT, that was JAN5-JAN9

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