Monday, January 19, 2009

Understanding, Taking it in &Moving on.

I've been realizing alot of things lately.

I've been realizing, who my friends are. Who's nice. Who's worth liking. What's worth my time. Should I do that. Should I do that. Am I mean, am I nice. Does that look good. Does this sounds nice. Are you goood enough, are they good enough.

SOOOO, with friends.
I'm starting to seee, that some friends are leaving. Likee, some I just met &that, they aren't considered close. &others i've known since elementary, but idk anymore... &like, friends act like they know you now. They do what they THINK will make you happy. PEOPLE too ! Not just friends. They ASUME EVERYTHING. They THINK you like them. They THINK you have a crush in this person. They THINK you're mad. They THINK you understand. They THINK they understand you. People need to stop hiding what they wanna know, &just ask. Don't jump to conclusions, you know ? I'm starting to realize what i should worry about now.

Nice vs. MEAN
I've been meaner lately. Like, IFFF you know me, you know, I'm nice. Sometimes, too nice. But recently, i've been meaner. Doubt anyones noticed. but like I yell more &i'm not afraid to insult people. &then I don't feel bad, untill a bit laterr. So, it's awkward. It's like, not me. you know ?

AIGHTTT. I hate liking people. You know how bad it HURTS ? Probably.. Like they lead you on, they ACT like they like you. They say nice things, &you obsesse over it. Like they say, I miss you. &you start to think THINGS. It just so harddd. Like, I end up falling for someone HARDDD, &they end up not liking me back. &I start hurting. Maybe they find out, then it's killed. You know, I've noticed that I fall harder for the people who don't like me back. IDK WHY ? Like, if they like me back, great, but idk. I liked people more, but they don't like me ? IDK...
&I've noticed that I fall harder/hardest for guys who don't like me back. LMFAO, it's like a turn-off when they like me or something. I guess it's cos' I don't know much about " being in a relationship ". But whatever. It's confusingg Like,if they like me, at first I'm all, yay. Then it gets awkward, you know ?

I need to manage my time now. I end up not doing things &it come back to haunt me. I need to stop being lazy ! /= I know, it's not good for me. I have big aspirations, but laziness &procrastination isn't gonna bring me anywhere...

Whining isn't gonna get you NOWHERRE. Just gotta accept what coming &live with it. Were getting older &we needa act more resonsiblee. If we keep actiing like this, we won'tdo anything later. argh -___- Take it slow thoo, Amy knows.

I NEED TO THINKK, life's coming at me fast, &i needa get my head straight menggs.

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