Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April showers bring May flowers ?

Heyhey. So in computer tech, &I'm bored. Nothaaaang to do.

Isn't that what they say ? " April showers bring May flowers. " WHY ISN'T IT RAINING ? LMFAO. Too hot, spring isn't THIS hot. But for some reason the heat makes the days feel better. I mean, it sucks the life out of me, but when we hang out, it feels better. IDK. IS THIS HOW SUMMER IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL ? LOL, I don't have fun summers. HOME ALL DAY.

I cuss alot. I mean, I haven't just realized that, but I was re-reading my blogs, &I say shit when I don't need to. AHA, see ? But whatever, I add emphasis (;

IT'S MADERPACKING MAINIT ! In here, no, but today it was burning ! Ran my mile, &I swear I died. Day's always seem longer when it's hot huh ? &THEN MY DAD MADE ME GO ROLLERSKATING -____- I felt like passing out in math today. It was hot, then in class I felt cold. I almost fell asleep &I was friggin hungry. Shieeeet.

But today was fun. Idk why it feels so different. But, things are looking up. [;
Summmmmmmmer ! I guess that's why. It feeeeeels like summer.

Lunch was funn. Rj hangs out with me, even tho he doesn't know any of my friends (x
Aha, Rj, you're a dork<3 We argue alot, Ashley pointed that out. That's funny.
OHYEAH, Rj you don't fucking annoy me. Like irritate kind of annoy, GEEZE. STOP APOLOGIZING LMFAOO.

OHEMGEEZYS, I HATE ROLLERSKATING. It's scary. I went, wait no, I was FORCED to go with my family. Sister got to ride her bike, but I HAD to skate. SO EMBARRASSING ! People were watching me. I FELL AT LEAST 5 TIMESS ! D; My legs &my ass is seriously sore today. It's funnnny, but I'm nervous to go. I want to ride my bike instead. ORR, I wanna learn how to skateboad :D He told me were gunna go again today -___-

UHHM. I fergot what else. Hate when that happens. I have stuff to say man.

OH GAME TONIGHT ! Gotta kick their asses man.

Well, blog tomorrow prolly. :D

I love Devin Setoguchi.

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