Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why not join the clichee ?!

Seeeeems like everyone i know has one of these things these days .
Why not me ?!
I won't be on this alot . Once a week at the least . -___-
Stupid curfew . Yes , curfew .
Okaaay , well . I'm in a
oh-im-so-emo-i-need-to-vent-my-feelings-by-writing-poems-and-songs moood . So im not deranged . I'm going through alter-ego desicion making .
LOL , soooooo . I'm on the phone , with AMYYY ! <3
Well , i have drama-ish stuff . Not really " drama " , but gossip-y things .
Trying to deal with all these things , WITHOUT making a big deal about it .
So im gonna rant on another blog in a minute ..

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