Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Stress , just get over it .

AHHHH , weeek was interesting . Weekend sucked . Feelings got hurt BLAH BLAH , WHATEVER . Monday , I got BREAKING DAWN :D Thanks Tue , love you ! HMM , OH YEAH ! Sharks won ! :D Setoguchi made the 1st goal <3 MWUAHAHAH ! Tuesday : BESTDAY OF THE WEEK SO FAR :D Mmkae so like , there's this one guy , &I found out who he likes , &if your smart you'll get what made me happy . Eeeeeep<3 I've always liked him I guess , but I never paid attetion to how i felt about him . &I guess for now , it's just a crush . For now . ;D OH YEAH , ERIKA'S GONE D; , that's one of the 2 things that sucked . I MISS HER . URGH , PE , I fcken hate 8th grade guys . 3 to be exact . The made some , immature remarks . The thing is , I'm proud of myself . Instead if stooping to thier level , I just was brushed it off my shoulder , so yeah . I ain't no 3rd grader anymore , I'm not gonna cry about stupid stuff d: The only thing I look forward to at the end of the day is Amy . P.E. 6th period is where I gossip with her &Robyn too ! Lol . Eh , well after school , FCKEN SUCKED LIKE HELL . I ALMOST CRIED FOR ERIKA ! &Kelsey told me something that pissed me off like SHIET . BLEH . Okae . No schoool today ! Didn't do much . Went to Lucky . Bought more Pomegranetes :D OMGOMGOGMOGMGO I BOUGHT THE ARCHIE ALBUM ! SO FUCKEN HAPPY ! LOL , Target . Oh I bought chapstick too . . . . :D
Then bad shiet happened . KELSEY TOLD ME THAT SOME BITCH TOLD SOMEONE MY SERCRETS . &Even tho they don;t matter , it still pisses me off you know ? I thought i could trust her . FUCKEN BITTTCH ! Hate that whore . Whatever , fcken forget you .
OHOH , tommorrow's minimum day again . I get to wlak with him more :D I have 3rd , 4th , &5th with him . So we walk together to 5th . Regular days we walk together to 4th , but idkk , I like this better . LOL ! So yeah . I'm halfway throught Breaking Dawn :D OHOH , today is my sister's b-day . Tomorrow is my other sister's b-day ! HOOORAAAAAAAY !

So yeah , I really like him . Not ReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReally . But Alot . :D

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