Thursday, November 6, 2008

" The Incident " (;

So things happened between ****** &me . . . . So that person was " pissed off " . Iderno . In my mind , i was thinking " Well , if he wants to ignore me , why dont i do the same . " Before this happened , feeling were sooooo confusing . I knew i was acting like a spaz . I tried to make myself stop . I kept saying , stay away ! I couldn't , THEN , he did And when it happened , i abosolutley hated it . It was horrible . Since he was giving me the cold shoulder , i decided to do the same . I cut them off . I tried making myself look all hard &shiet . Iderno who it fooled . Not me ! Urgh , and then , the worst came . He was hugging someone at lunch , and i looked in his eyes . I sweaaaaaaaaar , i died inside . Iderno what he was thinking , but it loooked as if those eyes had hatred, sadness , sorrow , confusion , and a bunch of other things icouldnt have put into words . It was like a big whole , [reminds me of Twilight<3] , and everytime i saw his face in my mind , the whole got bigger , and it burned . It burned so bad . . . I couldn't stop thinking during 5th period , " What the fck have i done !? " URGHHH ! So , i decided to vent , similar to this . But , i was stupid enough to write it in a note , and give it to him ? IDK , i'm so dumb . In the note/letter thingy , i told him how i missed spending time together , i missed my bestfriend . So i gave it to him after school . We talked . I tried to looked into his eyes . He wouldn't look at me . It's not like he has the most beautiful eyes ever . It's just , that he's like one of my bestfriends , how could you live w/o them , you know ? And then , he smiled , but not at someone else , he smiled at me . That wasn't the best part tho . I got to see him smile again<3 Anyways , it gets better , we hugged . So , he wasn't mad ? Iderno . Tomorrow is Friday , and who knows ? The possibilities are limited , but not impossible . I get to walk to Norwood . I'm pretty excited for that , since the last time i walked there was a week ago . But , i'm gonna be brimming with adrenaline tomorrow , i swear ! I wonder how he feels . I hope were cool now . There are so many questions i have . Ever since " the incident " i've been biting my tongue . Keeping the questions inside me . Maybe i can let a few spill tomorrow ;D

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