Thursday, November 20, 2008

Probably my longest blog so far . . .

Heheeh , helloooo ! Finished Breaking Dawn yesterday<3 Yay ! :D Today was pretty good . Minumum day . Fuuuun . ;D Mmkae , so 1st period was okay . Everyone on my side of the room is so quiet ! Me &Isaiah are the loudest . Meh , before they came in the room , I felt so aloooone ! AHAHHA , I was all " NO ONE TALKS ! " &Angelica was all , " Then talk ! " Lol , so Alec &Zay came in . I started talking to Alec , he was all quiet . We talked about stuff . EEEEW HATE THAT BEEEYOTCH ! Alec should too -____- Anyways , LOL , Zay drew a mustache on my binder . Poor Bella . AHAHAH , I stabbed him with a pencil . Bleh , pretty boring . It was about 3 minutes before the bell wrang , so Zay was all " YES ! 3 minutes to put lotion on ! :D " AHAHHAHAHAHAH , okay maybe not THAT boring . Isaiah's lotion smelled gooood ! 2nd period was okay too . Marissa &I went to spy on someone before class started . Lol , yeaaaah . Then we talked about grades . We made up this dude , who fell in " love " . He got good grades , then he got dumped &barely graduated . SUCCKAAAA ! I know someone like that , it will happen . STUPID FAG , DON'T DATE THAT NIGGAAAH . ARGH . LOL , all that makes my day seem bad , only in the beggining I guess . 3rd period made my day . AHAH , people laughed at me . Cos Ms. Skinner was giving us hints about a few problems ,&she said there were only 2 wrong things , &I got three . So I was all " DAAAAAARN ! " AHHAHA , alot of people laughed . Fuuun , me &Himani laughed alot . Caisey &I talked (; Stephen was whispering stufffs in her ear , HHMMMMM !? LOL , Iderno . Then at break , I scratched Caisey's binder cos she had something on it she didnt want anymore , so I helped her :D Then . . . OHYEAH before that , that guy I like(: I found out he likes me more than I thought , Yeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Happy Break<3
Then 4th period , I got embarrased . BLEH , Mr. G let's us stay stuff out loud . So I said exponents ! &He looked at me all funny . Then he called on some other dude ! Jacked huh !? Binh laughed at me d: So did Stephen , his voice is deep . AHAH PUBERTY ! LOLOLOL ! He has a funny giggle , it makes me giggle . HAHAH , reminds me of Nikki . GIGGLEGIGGLEGIGGLE ! ;D Anyways , you know what's weird ? I don't blush . Like whenever I feeel like I'm gonna blush , I don't . LOL . After that Binh , Stephen&Me walked to 5th period . Science , eeeeew . AHAHAHA , Isaaac sits next to me . We were HEEEELLLLAAAA laughing , our inside jokes are very funny(: Lunch , i bought a burrito with Binh , Stephen , & Isaac . Then I went with Jade &Caisey , &we made a big circle around the school . Fun , yup yup . Then we went with Isaac &Stephen again . Lol . We took alot of their food . Goood times . But we talked about " issues " STUPID FAAAGS ! Uggh , yeaah . Then Kelsey &Nikki found us ! :D They had good news for Jade , Iderno if she wants me to put it tho . Let's just say , it was a happy lunch for both of us . All of us . (= Hecka screaming !
Theeeeeen , 6th period ; BOOOOOOORING ! I talked with Amy &Robyn . OHMYFUCKINGGOSH , SOMEONE'S SPREADING RUMORS ABOUT ME ?! WHAT WHORES , HAVE NO LIFE , NO FCKEN IDEA I SWEAR . EEEEH , anyways , yeah . Amy &Robyn end my school day pretty good . Angela in the locker rooms too (: Wow , that was long . Okay , after school , I was looking for him , so I could give him a hug . He left , so yeah ew . I'll find him tomorrow
[: Caisey thinks we should yeah , but I don't think so . But whatever . [=
So we walked to Norwood , took pictures (: That was nice . EW , Peter &Titus started throwing stuff at us . They took pinecones and threw it across the street . The the dude started telling them off . HAHAHA SUCKAS ! THATS WHAT YOU FCKEN GET ! d: Then 8th graers came . Nice funny people(: OHOH ! There's this girl named Natalie[?] &we have the same phone , except mine is black &hers is red . We have the same shoes too ! LIKE WOAH ?! Martha , another 8th , said I was her mini twin . LOL . So far there are 4 people I've seen with the same phone as mee . Cool beans , huh ! Then , bell rang . We went to my sister &found Kelsey ! (: Then we all kinda seperated . LOL , Caisey &Jasmine stayed with me . So I got my little sister , &went to say Hi to my 6th grade friends . I saw Danielle ,&I hit her . Laaaahv that chick . Then I assaulted a few more people . I SAW KIM ! I hecka hit her . LOL . We gave her juice fomr my sister . LOL , her left-overs from the party at schoool . OH YEAH , we bought ice cream . So I finished it before i picked my sister up . Yeaaaah . Then my dad picked me up &here I am ! YAY ! I should do my homework now .
Can't wait for 3rd , 4th , &5th period tomorrow ;D

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