Sunday, November 23, 2008

0oh Eeee , 0oh AH AH , Ting Tang WhalaWhala Bing Bang !

Today was bleeeeeh. So yesterday, sisters's party . Nikki slept over . We were heckaaa tired . So we turned off alll the lights , &talked about memories . We laughed alot . Talked about 1st-7th[so far] grade. I remebered alot. We were all of sudden awake. Talking makes us loud . LOL ! We stayed up until 5.3o . Deeeeeng, an hour more &we would have broken our record . Yeaaaah , I almost fell asleep like 5 times . I was all closing my eyes , &Nikki hit me , HAHAHAH ! I was all " Yeah I'm awake . . . . . " &I would fall asleep again , &out of no where , she would shake me &be like " AAAAAAAAAAAH, EARTHQUAKE !!!!!!! " LMFAOOOO ! HELLLAH FUNNY . She did that like 3 times , (= Then we fell asleeep . Lol . Woke up at 12.oo ? Around that time . I cooked eggs for breakfeast(= I make the best scrambled egg EVVEEEER ! FASHO ! ;D Then we went on the computer , for the longest time . Myspacers , waaaay to addicted . Yeah . Webcammed ,&other stuffs . VERY FUN . Then we got bored&tired . Lol . Nikki left like 4.3o-5.oo ? Yeaaah . Pretty boring . Cleaned my room after she left , &I'm really bored . I have no life (x Can't wait for tomorrow , you know ? Nawwwwh , only some people know ;D But yeaah , almost Thanksgiving Break & It's my momma's weekend . EEEEW , dude , I'm gonna be like stuck at home , CLEANING . When I could be in Vegas with my dad . Bleh D; Plus side , I get to go to Jade's party &Maybe Maricars =D So yeah , not THAT bad . I guess . So I won't blog in a week -_______________________________- How gay . BYEEE , who know's when .
So yeah , whatever . Tirred man .

High Five ;DD

" Baby when you look at me , tell me what do you see ? Are these the eyes of someone you could love ? " - You Can ; David Archuleta <3
Love that songg

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