Friday, June 26, 2009

You are not aloone.

HAAAAAY. I'm hella tired man. F'rreaaaaals. I stayed up until 6:00-ish. I wouldn't call it an allnighter, cos I went to sleep after Rj hung up. Yeaaaah, talked all night man. Me &him, we can talk about anythaaaang(: I drank hella water that day.. lmfao. idk, like 13 bottles.

Aha. But yeah, idk why I feel hecka sore. Eh. Mmh, Rj came over again yesterday. Fuun, but then my sister saw -___- Hella gay. But whatever, over it now. Going back to my mom's today. I guess I miss them. Buuuuut, idk. I have more time to myself here? Iderno. yeaaah. Aha, I talked on the phone w/ Thomas while his friend was over. Apparently, he doesn't like him. Lool. " Tell him I said hi ", " She says hi ", " HEY SEXY! " Lmfao, okay.. I'd put somthing else, but idk. Thomas sang &rapped for me, lmfao. Should've recored that shit. HRM, what else. BWUHAHAHA, I saw Rj's abs. :D Kinda. Ahaha.

Hella played Wii w/ my sisterrr. I suck mengs. Most of the time. Aha. &we played Club Penguin! HEHE. Card jitsu or w/e, is fun.

OHMYFUCKINGGOSH. Michael Jackson died D: That's hella unbelievable. It's like, when Steve Irwin died man. He shouldn't have gone. Hellla saaaad.

" Today, Michael Jackson died. FML " <-------- Someone actually put that ):

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

" I think you're a ganster hobo! "

Heeeeeeeey. SO LIKE, I finally did some stuff. nothing as fancy as other people.... but still :D

Yesterday, I had a doctors appointment. New doctor, she's nice I guess. I still feel violated tho... Don't ask. Let your common sense kick in. Bleh, lmfao. OMMGG, i found out that fucking, I have like horrible hearing in my right ear ): that's so gay. f'rreals, it's not funny. i'm only 13, &i have the hearing as bad as my grandpa's?! Maybe not that bad, but getting there. fuck that. my mom says it's cos i use my ipod too much. lmfao. Ew, &i didn't eat that day, cos i wasn't hungry &my mom was like, are you trying to change your weight when they check you? like, wtf. that's hella offensive. I was already offended by something else. lmfao. oh well, i still love my mommy. she' sassy. it's funny. today she called some boy in the backseat of another car a pig. lmfao, how mean. idk, she's funny. Theeeen Nikki came overrr :D I walked to Norwood, &yeah. She came @ 4:30 &stayed until like 11:00. Thanks Nikki. I love you anyways. aha. she made a neopeeeet, &i was gunna, but went to sleep. aha. Boring at timeees. Everytime we hang out it's boring, &like an hour before one of us leaves, it gets fun. Fuck that shit. ): anyways, glad you came nikki. although i wish you left earlier, cos my dad got kinda pissed(x

So yeah, today I had a dentist appointment D: I like my dentist, but i hate having all this bad tasting metal shit in my mouth. sad face. so yeah. I got " sealants " on my teeth. took forevaahh.
My mouth was numb for like two hours! ):< My tongue felt retarded. yukk. OMG, my dad has a facebook, &he's friends w/ my dentist on it. lmfao. so today, she showed us his pictures. of us. i look extremely horrible, except in one. yeah, one of them I was w/ my sister &my eyes are retarded cos I wasn't ready, lmfao. another one, my face just looks weird. &the other one, i'm like in 2nd grade, so idc. &the last oneee you can't see my face, so i like it (: so yeah, after that, we went to the bank &I got a lollipop, hehe. Theeeen we went to Lucky's, well I stayed in the carr, cos my sister was sleeping. My mommy bought me chocolate :D Hershey's Cookies &Creammmmm<3

Then Rj came to visit me ! OMG, so happy I saw him! He came at like 2:00 &stayed for like an hour. Heheee. That was fuuuuuuuuun. I kept hearing the nieghbors, they scared me ): screw them. aha. so yeah, afterrr, on the phone, fucking asking me questions(x idk how to respond to all that man. Aha, whatever, I got to seee you (=

OH YEAH, my chocolate melted ]: It's hella hot right noww. I drank an arizonaaa, &had vienna sausages. I eat that alot now. That's bad. yeah. Mh, k, i'm done. hella bored. I prolly have alot of stuff i wanna do, but idk, i'm lazy. I wanna play speeed for somereason. loool. I think i'ma go read FMLs. LMFAO, they amuse me. I take contentment in knowing someone out there has it worse than I do(=

Monday, June 22, 2009

I like compliments from older people.

^cos they know what they're talking abooouuuut. aha, my dentist makes me feel so loved.
" If you break alot of hearts with that smile, don't be surprised! It's infectious. "
Why thank you Dr. Ahamd :D Wait, infectious? ...

Okay, my summer is so fucking boring. Haven't gone ANYWHEREEEEE. I need to make plans, f'rreals. So faar, i have Rj coming to visit, MAYBE going to the mall w/ Thomas, but we needa invite peopleee. &gunna see my cousins from Japan :D Stupid time change. my momma said it takes 3 weeks to adjust. I don't wanna wait that long ):

Why am I like super sensitive now. I'm offended more easily than ever now. seriously, I like overanalyze everything, &shit. idk. FML. i guess. I hate myself.

well, yeah. gotta fix 3 profiles on myspace. LOL. kbye

Saturday, June 20, 2009



Go PENS! They're like the only team, &the caps, that I like other than the Sharks. Well, I love the Sharks :D Die hardfan niggs. well yeah. they won the cup, yaaay.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I am absolutely not fucking ashamed to say I'm in love with Russell James Sumibcay.

Team 69 is booooossss niggaa

lol, hey. so yeah, i did cry. /= i didn't say bye to hella people &same w/ signing yearbooks &taking picturesss. ah.

didn't get to go to boggini. hella disappointed. fuck. w/e tho.
went to the target area w/ nikki, jade, aaron, &katherineee. met up with yvonne, alex, jade, chelsea, devin, andrew, pn, anne, &thao. thenn, devin, andrew, pn &anne left &the rest of us went to target. Hide &seek was fuun. GO TEAM 69! lmfao, nikki, 69 is uncomfortable. i'm sorry. fun thoo. boiling crab was fuun. " Alright guys.. let's do this. " lmfaooo, aaron " DAMN DOM, fucking beast. " I was hungry, food's good there. Tutti Frutti pictureees, ahaa. I kinda wish i went to the mall that day. idc, both would've been nice. next time, fasho! aha. yeah, fun.<3

supposed go to crystal's bday tomorrow. i guess not, cos my mom hasn't called me. ]:

damn it's hooot. i'm fuckking bored. moive night tonight! prolly gunna go get the shiiit after this. bwuahah. 4 brothers, reccommenededed by mr. Laquian! :D

f'rreals, let's make plans for summer. every summer, i'm home alone. everyone gets to hangout w. each other, &get closer. i dont want that to happen again... ):

Friday, June 12, 2009

it's the last day of schoooool.

Ah fuuuck. school's over in half an hour. i feel soo saad. omg, i'ma miss everyboody. we had so many fucking laughs. oh my goooooood. i'm gunna cry. all the 8th graders too! fuck, the school year passed by hella fast. damnn, it's like, woah it's June? damn! mofoing craaazy. I can't really say anything else about it! I don't want it to end. I'm not ready to be an 8th grader. I'LL MISS EVERYONE. &yeah, like we'll be back in two months, but still, i don't wanna leave.

so yesterday i went to the 8th grader grad. hella screamed! &mary broke my eardrums (:
i kindaaa got creamed. yeah. fun &tiring. OH, lmfao, Rj's parents wanted a picture w/me, but i'm super retarded &misunderstood what he said. HA HA HA.

omg, norwood was fun. TEEHEE ;D

gunna go to boiling crab afterschool. yaaaay! we'll maybe boggini first, bwuahahah.

this is gunna be the last time i blog in computer tech. );

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


ohemgeezys, today was preetttty good. mmkae, i'ma start blogging agaain. so like, last period was fun me &binh sang hella songs. fuunn. people brought thier ukes. i took alot of pictures. this week i needa take helllerrr. &have people sign my yearbooks. and yeah. hehehe! kinda disappointed cos we didn'tget to do thaat. darrn. thursday, hopefully :D I wore my natural hair today ]: eewers.

Thomas just said i had horrible singing. fuck him. (=

this week seem fuuuun. i<3just kicking it, f'rreaals. tired of fucking studying.

'ightt, gunna chill on the floor, free time in comp tech :D


sorry. it was stuck in my head. eew, " oh you wanna do that to me ? eeew! " - Thomas Myers. whatta fag. [:

Monday, June 8, 2009


It's not that i'm trying to make promises just to break them. I make promises so that our relationship will get better, &we can do things I/we want to do. I'm really mad right now. Well not mad... misunderstood I guess. I just ..dislike how you tell me over and over that " you've broken 8 promises now ! =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ " I'm trying to make the best of the time we have to spend together. Promises are supposed to be special. People shouldn't feel like they're pressured to keep the promise or else they're a horrible person. Promises are like telling someone they matter this much, that you're willing to do that for them. I wanna say all this to your face, but idk where I would start. I'll prolly just go on and on. haah. Blogging is one of the only ways I can vent these days. well yeah, that's how i feel now /=

Am I a horrible person ? You're not supposed to say you'll do things but you won't. I try to, but idk.. it's... complicated. i feel like you're making it more complicated than it needs to be tho ! ugh, iderno. ):

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FMLLLL ( sometimes )

DUUUUUUUUUUUDE. I hate todaaay ];

Okay, maybe you've noticed, I don't blog much anymore. I'm prolly not gunna as much. That's because blogspot sucks ass ! Haaaaahh, i typed hella shit &it deleteeddd everythaaaang. Fuck that.

Ugh, i can't type.

So liiikeee, woooahaaha. Gunna go to Santa Cruz tomorroowwwww. Yay. Kinda.

I'm in a bad mood today. Well, not the whole day. It was ruined at lunch. Looong story, ask me if you wanna know. BUTT, FYI Ms. Alvarvez, I've never made out with anyone d: Soooo fucking embarassing ! 8th graders ]:

Free time in comp tech. blaaah. I have nothing to saaay.

Bloooooooogspot is gaaay.

Tomorrow better be good. Better have fun @ Santa cruuuz. I repeat letters to muchh. 'ight, i'ma kickk it with Thomaaas &peoplee. On thaaaaaafloooooorr. Eh.

Suck some penis.