Wednesday, April 29, 2009

STAR testing, Swine Flu, &Elimination. OHMY.

IHATETHEDUCKS.IHATETHEDUCKS.IHATETHEDUCKS. UGHHH. What tha fuckerss. HELLAS GAY. So freaking disappointed. Such a good Game 5, and then bleh. Setoguchi scored in Game 5 ]: I don't wanna talk about it. But it's just so saad man. Read the articles, &listen to what people are starting to say about the Sharks. /=

So, hey. STAR testing this week. Hmm, so, had a good time last week. So far, not much good about this week. I mean, it's not a horrible horrible week, like there's occansionaly fun stuff. But it's been pretty sucky. I guess I have to wait for Friday. Gunna go to the Boiling Crab feer Nikki's bday ! :D I needa get my camera, &upload all the shit in it. Aha.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTFRAAANN ! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ! Happy Birthdaaaaaay dear NIKKKKKKI ! HAPPPY BIRTHDAAAAY TO YOUUUU ! :D I love you more than anyone else can imagine. We've been through it all, &still came out on top. Our friendship has literally lasted the test of time. Can't wait for today, let's make it fuuuun :D I LOVE YOUU, Little twin telepathic sistaaaaar(;

Ohkay so, I'm in computer tech 1st, cos we have a reversed schedule. So yeah, ahaa.


Ohmagaah, I hate my grandpa. He's a freaking liar. I swear. HE TOOK MY NECKLACE. I mean,yeah he gave it back, but wtf why ? Maybe I left it there for a reason. He can't just take it AND WEAR IT. WTF. That's disgusting. Nobody's gunna steal it, JUST LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE. Damnn, seee ? I can't trust leaving things at home, cos I know " someone " will take it. Like, home is supposed to be a safe place. &FYI, I'M SERIOUSLY PISSED. LET'S JUST SAY ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR. My grandpa is the one person who can seriously piss the shit out of me. Okay, not the only one, but he does it the most. Yeah he cares, but he doesn't know how to show it. UGH.

I'm scared of the Swine Flu D: Not just now, cos it's in US, but I've been scared since I heard about it. IT'S IN THE BAY. Fckk, is this the end ? LMFAOOO. Seriously tho, epidemics don't wipe out in a month. 3-4 years mabye. Think about it. 2009. Threee years, 2012. SHIET. Scary man, ahaa ! F'rreals tho, I don't want to die. I may joke about it during school, but I truly am scared. So many things to worry about.

4 more days. Wow, that's a new accomplishment :D I need that picture, OR a new one.
Rj, I hope you liked the paper[:

In math, there are two extremely annoying people who can't seem to shut the hell up.

I miss my 1st period class. I can't talk to anyone here, it's so quiet.

HMM, That's preetty much the main things. Gunna kill 90 minutes in here. It's 8:23, so about an hour more. BOREDD. So, I guess I'll blog again tomorrow ? BYEE.

April 3, 2009(=

I love Devin Setoguchi.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AMJDG; Happy 13th !


Sorry my present is crappy. You're worth waaaay more<3

In comp tech again. SO LIKE, not so hot today. Feels good in here tho. Still hot out.
Went biking, not rollerskating, yesterday ! FUNN, haven't rode my bike in a LOONG time. Gunna go again today, I think.

SHARKS WONNN ! BWUAHAHAH. Setoguchi almost scored. He like, tipped it in, buhh they gave it to Blake anyways. Idc. We won nukkaaa. 4-3, series is 2-1. We're still in this sheeit :D
Murray fought. SHIZZ, they shoulda let Shelley play. I freaking love hockey fights.

Nothing really interesting today. Fun-ish, schools getting funner. Idk how &why. The normals.

LMFAOO, Rj &I almost got caught hugging. The teacher came &we were all CRAP. So then, I took my backpack off &I was all, Do you have a dollar ? &He was all No... So I started asking for quarters, ahaaaa. FUNNNY. Rj, I know you're hiding THINGS in yeerr backpack. I'll find out (;

Idk, I've been in a really happy moood this week. Rj says I look sad. LOLL.


Alec, freaking. Lmfao, kept on poking me with his pen.

Firedrills are fun. Aha.

I hate how Mrs. Woodley comes up behind you, out of nowhere &just takes your paper. It's heckers scary.

Happy Earth day ! Let's make a difference. TURN YOUR LIGHTS OFF. Save energy. Don't use as much water. Go out &kick it. Stop watching tv, (x PLANT A FREAKING TREE ! LMFAO, remember that Earth hour thing !? I WAS A DAY LATE. LMFAOO. I felt so good, thought I was making a difference. Told hella people to turn their lights off &they did ! Then Uyen &Daniel were all, UHHMM, that was yesterday, I think yeerr wrong ! AHAH. Whatever, I helped. ANYWAYS, Recyclee!

So, ideerno, nothing " important ". Ahaa. One of my shorter blogs, huh ?

I love Devin Setoguchi :D

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April showers bring May flowers ?

Heyhey. So in computer tech, &I'm bored. Nothaaaang to do.

Isn't that what they say ? " April showers bring May flowers. " WHY ISN'T IT RAINING ? LMFAO. Too hot, spring isn't THIS hot. But for some reason the heat makes the days feel better. I mean, it sucks the life out of me, but when we hang out, it feels better. IDK. IS THIS HOW SUMMER IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL ? LOL, I don't have fun summers. HOME ALL DAY.

I cuss alot. I mean, I haven't just realized that, but I was re-reading my blogs, &I say shit when I don't need to. AHA, see ? But whatever, I add emphasis (;

IT'S MADERPACKING MAINIT ! In here, no, but today it was burning ! Ran my mile, &I swear I died. Day's always seem longer when it's hot huh ? &THEN MY DAD MADE ME GO ROLLERSKATING -____- I felt like passing out in math today. It was hot, then in class I felt cold. I almost fell asleep &I was friggin hungry. Shieeeet.

But today was fun. Idk why it feels so different. But, things are looking up. [;
Summmmmmmmer ! I guess that's why. It feeeeeels like summer.

Lunch was funn. Rj hangs out with me, even tho he doesn't know any of my friends (x
Aha, Rj, you're a dork<3 We argue alot, Ashley pointed that out. That's funny.
OHYEAH, Rj you don't fucking annoy me. Like irritate kind of annoy, GEEZE. STOP APOLOGIZING LMFAOO.

OHEMGEEZYS, I HATE ROLLERSKATING. It's scary. I went, wait no, I was FORCED to go with my family. Sister got to ride her bike, but I HAD to skate. SO EMBARRASSING ! People were watching me. I FELL AT LEAST 5 TIMESS ! D; My legs &my ass is seriously sore today. It's funnnny, but I'm nervous to go. I want to ride my bike instead. ORR, I wanna learn how to skateboad :D He told me were gunna go again today -___-

UHHM. I fergot what else. Hate when that happens. I have stuff to say man.

OH GAME TONIGHT ! Gotta kick their asses man.

Well, blog tomorrow prolly. :D

I love Devin Setoguchi.

Monday, April 20, 2009


HEYOO, spring break's overr ! Whatever, my break sucked ass anyways.

I MISSED SO MANY FREAKING PEOPLEE ! Ah. I saw buncha people today. :D

Soo, other than Reno, what did I do....

BABYSAT. The usual.

Jay's bday party on Saturday. So uhrm, hella tiring. My sister wouldn't let me down. Then she fell asleep, &then my phone died -____- I really really need a new phone meengs. AHHA, Jay &I talked about stuff. One-on-one, cousin shit. AHAA, he says I've changed. What, I'm all grown up now ?! HAAAH. He saidd, in elementary it was all about school. But now, I'm into hockey &boys. Aha, I'd say I'm pretty much the same. Got the same interests, I guess. I still focus on school NIGG-AHH. (x Straight A's beezy. TSHH, he says he doesn't bang. I hope not cuzoo ! Aha, talked about " stuff-stuff ". Longest relationship was 1 year, 5 months, &counting O: Isn't that cute ? I'm jealous. TWO WEEKS AND COUNTING ! ;D

FUCKING DUCKS. I HATE THEM. SO MUCH. Series down 2-0 ? Wtf is that about. I didn't even get to watch the game. GAYGAYGAY. SJSHARKS, FOSHOO.

I went to Nikki's house yesterdaay(sunday) ! :D FUNFUNFUN. Took pictures, aha. WE WENT ON THE ROOF. I've never been on a roof. Lmfao, how gaay. It was fun tho. Nikki got this cool picture, well I think it's cool. Before that we drew with chalk in her front driveway. OHEMGEEZYS, I draw so hacking OOOGLY. It was funny. I couldn't write preetty. I messed up the grass too. WE TRACED EACH OTHER, THAT'S SO COOL. Nikki stepped on my arm...lmfao. Oysters are guuuud. &That other flour thing we ate was good too.

Shit, now I'm hungry.

So, we want to buy a house rightt ? &We have to get a three bedroom. GAY -___- I want my own fucking room. I swear. &we might have to move into another apartment again. I don't wanna sleeep in the freaking living room. I need my own space, f'rreals. If we geta 3-bedroom house, I'll be pissed. For the rest of my life, I have to share a room with my sister. Well not the restrest of my life, but still. You knoww ? Why can't they just ship my fucking grandpa off to the Philippines. My mom wants too. He stresses both of us out. Forreals. He wastes water too. Wtff. &Likee, sometimes I know he wants to be nice, but he just gets in the fucking way. Sometimes, he tries to help me. &I'm like, I didn't ask for your help. I can do it myself, damn. I'm not 5. He seriously won't leave me alonee. URGHH.

Phone with Rj alot. HE PISSES ME OFF. Rj, if you're reading this, I'm saying it now. YOU'RE NOT ANNOYING ME. LMFAOO. I don't want you to hang up &I wouldn't be talking to you if I wanted to be left alone. MOTHERRFATHERR.

Alec got me a necklace :D It has dolphins on it (x


I told hecka people I missed them today. It was funny.

IT'S SO DAMN HOT TODAY. YESTERDAY TOO. GAAH. Shit, I gootta run my mile tomorrow. Craaap.


Ah, I'm out of time. Gunna get out of class in 2 min. AIGHT BYEE, Blog tomorrow maybe.

I love Devin Setoguchi,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

LiveYourLife.mp3 [;

I'm on the phone with Rj (;
Little dork. He sings for me :D Then he stops and I get mad. Aha. It's so annoying. " Do you want me to leave you alone ? " We broke the record the other night. FOUR HOURS AND ELEVN** MINUTES BEEEZY !
**According to Rj d:

I'm not single anymore (=

OKAYS, so it's like 9:45. Around it, whatever. I'm in RENNOO BITCH ! :D But like, I've been
alone since like 5:30. Idk when they're coming back. Whatever tho. They can gamble as long as they want [: I'm kinda scared tho. Jade freaked me out with Quarantine. &I have a feeling somebody's gonna open then door and shoot me. Shiiit.

Long ass road trip<3 But I wish it was at night. Cos the sun gets in my face.

HRMM. Week has been bad-ish. GOTTEN BETTER F'RREALS.

I feel REALLY guilty. SIGH, I can't change how I feel tho.

Sharks have won the President's Trophy ! :D We lost today, but idc. Playoffs are starting. I'm excited. This is totally our year fool.


My mom dragged me along with her to run errands. So, once we were all done, Mom remembers she forgot to buy milk ! So I'm all UGH, I wanna go home. So, mom's inside 7-Eleven &I'm in the car with my sisters. Mom's paying and this tall ( sexy ) guy walks in. I don't pay attention at first. Mom looks at me all funny. She goes in the car " Babe, is that Setoguchi ?! " I loook at him, &I swear I frooze. So, Seto walks out talking on the phone, &I stand up " EXCUSE ME, Are you Devin Setoguchi !? " LMFAOO. And then he turns around, so my mom goes " DEVIN DEVIN, my daughter loves you ! " SOOOOO EMBARASSING ! So we go over there, and ask for a picture and blahblahblah. BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE A CAMERA. And then, I didn't have my phone, &I didn't know how to take a picture on my mom's phone, cos it's brand new. So my mom's begging him not to leave. He was on the phone aha. So he goes " Hey, I have to go now. " &Hangs up ( FOR MEEE ! ) So I go " Sorry about this. We're like wasting your time " &He was so nice " No, it's okay, don't worry about it. "
Then my mom gave me this paper, bank reciept thing &A pen. I ask him to sign it &he did :D
Then he was even nicer, " Do you guys want a picture ? " & my mom says " We don't have a camera " and he says " Oh, sorrry then. " Then I thank him alot &say " Oh, could I get a hug ? "

AHHH, he was wearing a tux. With a pink shirt. He had a black mustang. And he was so tall. And on TV, he looks " bulky " , but he's actually preetty slim. OMG, he was so hot. I wanted to touch him so bad. I GOT TO HUG HIM FOOL. So then I said Thanks again, and we parted ways ]:

I started crying mengs. LLMAOOO, I cried out of joy. I haven't cried tears of joy in a long ass time. F'rreals. I cried like 5 minutes straight. I'm serious, no lie. HEHEHEHEHE, I was soo happy. AHHH, that's all I can say about it. I'm so happy. :D

He was prolly headed to practice, cos he went the direction of Sharks Ice, so yeah. Ahhh.
Highlight of my life, I swear.

Setoguchi scored today. My hugs are good luck :D

SOOOO, that's preeetty much it. I can't think of anything else to say, cos my mind is preoccupied with my Setoguchi expirence. I LOVE DEVIN SETOGUCHI !

Friday, April 3, 2009


Okies, so I'm in sixth period right now. Supposed to be making a survey &a top ten list, but idk what to do. I much happier today. Two bad days sucks. That other emo day, kinda ended well. I got In - N - Out ! Kicked it with Fam, yeah it was aight. Yesterday was bleeh, okay. Fricken Ms. Gill yelled at my mom. &I think my mom's getting suspicious of me. WHAT'S THERE TO BE SUSPICIOUS ABOUTTT ? Ahaaa, like supposedly I take too long to walk to my momma's car, but whatever. I feel like they're starting to worry and not trust me again. PSH, WHATEVERR.

Today was lazy and boring as usual. Rj says I ditched him but whatever, we weren't even hanging out in the first place ! Ahaa. After school, gonna go to Nikki's<3 It's been heckers long since I've gone there. Dance @ 3:00 ! I doubt alot of people are going. I AMM ! Aha, f'rreals like it's our last dance. Let's enjoy it ! SO LIKE, I prolly won't be dancing tho. Aha, just walking around and stuffs. Freaking ? NAAAH FOO ! It's ALLLLL about grindin' ! Heeellls yeah. I'll be walking, grinding, and laughing. LMFAOO, yeah, hella sick. Slow dance ? Maybe. [;

MY OH MY OHHH, MY OH MY OHHH ! MY BOOOOOOOOO ! Aha, sorry had a moment.

I'm reallyreallyreally excited, nervous, etc. Do I want that to happen ? Kinda... Iderno. Marissa knows. (=

I'm still pretty undecided about that whole thing. Andres, Jade, Marissa, and Angelica said I should. Alec, HAHA. No question about what he thinks. Kinda got in a misunderstanding yesterday, but that's overr. Forreals, I'm starting to lean that other waay. :D
Idk, cos I know who he has feelings for. I'm just not like that, you know ? If you know me well, then yeah. I couldn't do that. People say I should forget about it, and all that, but idk. Undecided still.. So many things to consider tho..

I FEEL SO UGLY D; Lmaaaoo.

Even though I'm tryna play it off, I'm thinking about you all day long.. I'm falling for you I can't lie.. I just wanna be with youuu.. Yes he got me, there I said it. Somebody call the paramedics, tell them to hurry up and come through. Cos I can't breaaaathe when you talk to me. I can't breathe when you're touching me. I suffocate when you're away from me, so much love you take from me. I'm going out of my mind. .MP3
^That shiet is stuck in my head. In a good way<3 Kinda how I feeeeel.

HRM. Anything else ? Naah, cos that's mainly what goes on peoplee.

I love Devin Setoguchi. &I love super long hugs. (;

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If you could see the thoughts that's in my head, I'm tripping !

UGHH. Lol, moan. JKAAY, I ain't like that -___-
Anyways, GAH. I feel so stressed right now ! Like, since yesterday I've been having so many second thoughts. &Then today it's like...All on my shoulders. I feel like I'm gonna blow up. Not only I'm still sick, but my asthma's coming back, it's allergy season, and all this stress ! At school, it may not seeem like it, but I just wanna break down and cry sometimes.

He told him off. Wow.

FRICKEN MR. ASKANAS, AHA. I wasn't focusing in PE, so he called my name out. Ah,whatever. I don't want him watching me tho -__-

ALFORJA. I'm gonna stop for her. She made me promise, but whatever. I'M A GOOD FRREAKING FRIEND. Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed, but bestfriends come before anything right ?

Okays, as of this moment I'm gonna let it ALLL out. I don't care if anyone notices who I'm talking about. I need to let it out. &maybe typing it out will help me realize what I should do. I don't feel like talking about it with people. For sure, I have friends I can trust, but if there's anyone, I wanna talk to someone who understands because they've been in the situation..

I'm a person who thinks that if a friend likes somebody, you back the hell off. If they stop liking the person it's okay. But what if the friend says they stop, but start again ? Then you BOTH like the person. Hard huh ? Okay, but what if you're the person they like ? Yup, that's kinda what I'm going through. I feel like I've ruined their relationship. &Get this straight. I'M NO SLUT. I don't like making people feel bad. I swear, I could be one of the biggest bitches ever if I wanted to. I mean, I have it all in me ! But I just choose not too. SIGHSIGHISGH.

HRM, idk who I'm starting to have feelings for now. At first I thought I've got my mind set right ? &All these other guys, they liked me &I wouldn't care. I feel kinda stupid by saying all this cos, I'll admit it, I'm young ! Idk what reeal love is. But I still experience " young love ". &Now I feel so stuck. Yesterday I thought I would have nothing to do with him anymore. Then he goes and compliments me and acts all nice, like how we used to be before. &he seems nice and stuff, but there's so many reasons why I shouldn't. People say not too, and yadadadaa. Then HE joins in as another reason. UGH. Then on the way to 4th, another reason comes in. So many things flying in at me, and idk where to go. I just want to be able to set my mind on one thing, without worrying about the negatives. But with this issue, so many things. You would think I would get the message right ? WRONG. Because iderno who to believe. Who to turn to. They both seem nice, and like I feel so bad actually narrowing it down. I can't like three people, that ho-ish. One is out cos of Alforja. Then that leaves two. You would think I would go for who seems nicer right ? I when I say " go for ", I don't mean sexually. I just... Like... I mean to focus my feelings on. I'm to young for love, but I can still have crushes right ? But I don't wanna sounds like a loser saying " Oh my gosh I can't choose who !? ". But that's how it is. People would want me to choose him obviously. OTHERS want me to choose neither. I'm feel so stuck. I feel so stupid too. This huge guilt train is following me everywhere. I can't seem to find a genuine reason to smile. I'm soooo lost. I don't want to sound like a girl who's 13, acting like a wannbee 25 year old. But I'm so confused. I can't even describe it. &I'm not blowing it way out of proportion, I'm just venting. I need to set it all out.

AH FUCK. Ten minute bell.. I guess I'll end it here. Not such a good day huh ? Yeah, I figured out it would be like this in the morning -___- I still have more to say. I always do. But I don't have to time to say it all here. At least I got some of it out..