Thursday, December 4, 2008


Not in a typing mood. BLEH ! I got a fcken hair cut today &the guy was so fcken asian. He kept telling me not to have alot of bangs cos it makes you crossed-eyed. I know he wanted to help but like, IT MY FCKEN HAAIR. So yeah. Short in the front &short bangs. Lol. Monday was okay. Nothing exciting. Lemme think. I took Stephen's binder. Well folder thing. Hahah. Tuesday same, ugh. Wednesday ran a mile. I cheated, MWUAHAH ! I ran only 3 laps &I walked most of it so i got 13:44 but i told her i got 13:00. 0oh im BAAAAAAAAD ! Okay, talked with Amy alot. Lol. P.E. is gossip time. Hahah ! Yeah ! I had Clam Chowder that day, lol. Thursday [ today ], I got pissed off alott. I felt bad cos Stephen kept trying to make me feel better but yeah. In the morning I played basketball with Jaymee, Vivian, &Abigail. Yupp, fun(= 1st period Isaiah pissed me off because he said something about the dance. 2nd period was fun tho. Lol. We did respect card things. Yup, Kelsey gave me one. AWWWH, so sweeet =D I gave Cindy one &Amanda gave Kelsey one. Hehehe. Break, Happy mommeeeeeent, Kelsey knows. Uhm, Kelsey; I think she gets it YAY ! ;D 3rd period, fkcen speeches. I'm doing Steve Irwin. Gay. Lmfaoo. I didn't know who to write about, so whatever. I want the extra credit tho ! OHOH, speaking of extra credit, Canned Food Drive. I got a can from Angela ! YAYAY ! Mwuahahha. Im gonna bring Spam &Vienna sausages. Heheh. 4th period was okay, practice quiz thingy. Extra Credit meeng ! Okay lunch, slow. Talked with Kelsey, got pissed cos of some guy &some girl. Told Andres. Andres is cool. We're talking again, since something. YAY ! Missed you fooooo' ! [x Anyways. Found Nikki &Jade. Jade &Kelsey went to play bball. Nikki &I walked. She embarrased me in front of him. Thanks Nikkki. You're the greatest. OMGGG ! MY MOM JUST CALLED ME, &DEVIN SETOGUCHI WAS ON TV SINGING &PLAYING GUITAR &I MISSED IT ! fCKEN GAAAY ! UGH. My dad's tv only goes up to channel 36. EWWW. I LOVE DEVIN SETOGUCHI ! AILFBSDdfhklx,nvsj.zkfd,bgf ! Okaaaay, so Nikki was like " Lets go see *him* , i forgot his face ! " So i was like "Sure !" So we went on top of the patio thing and she looked at him. &she was called his name. Loud . Very loud. I askked people after school, but they didn't hear. Thank God. Anyways, 5th i got pissed off the most. Lol. My partner for genetic diseases didn't do his share. I did alot of work while he played -____- I kept telling Stephen. He tried to help me. So nicee ! Thanks Stephenn ! You're fcken awesome ! Okay, then he put his hand on my shoulder ! ;D I melted. Okay so I got pissed off again, cos some guy said something about where I live. But whateverr. 6th period Amy &I in the weight rooms. After that we had to run an extra lap with Stephanie &other people, cos we walked. LOL. Yeaup, ended my day GREAAAT !
So yeah. I'm donee. I'm tireddd. I llikee him<3 Dance tomorrroroowwowowo ! Fuck yeaaaah !
OHYEAH ! After school i found something else out that pissed me off too. but that wasn't a big deal, cos it was kinda funny. I just dont like liars. SO yeah. G'Night !

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