Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is almost here !

LONG ASS WEEEEK TO TALK ABOUT ! I hope I'll remember more, cos' it was a very nice week.
I talked to Nick Sunday night. HEHEH ! He's a weirdo. Monday, not much. Andres was gone. Mexico &don't tell me foooo ? Whateveeer. Aahaha. Deng, Sharks almost lost that day. Won in shootouts, yeaaah yeaaah. HRM. Tuesdaay, I think that's the day I started wearing my beanie. Ahaha Iderno. Ahaha. Wednesday; Test in 1st period. Easy ! Mwuahahaha. Went to Christmas in the park ! [: I got Kettle Corn &went Ice Skacting. Mwuahahaha. Sharks LOST ! )= Setoguchi scored tho.  OMGGG, I want to find that video of him singing sooo bad. Bought our Christmas Tree. Thursday, Sharks lost ! HELLAAA BAD ! 6-0 D; Mmkae, uhmm, Sorry, I wish I could remember. Went to Wal-Mart that night. Bought Christmas gifts ! Yay ! Uhm, Friday, very nice. Minimum day. 1st period, some shield shiet. Talked with Alec. Sonnn ! AAAHA, yeaaaah. Walked with Marissaaaa to 2nd period. UHM, carried all my presents for people (= Watched Mythbusters in 2nd period. Did HEEEELLLLAAAA Christmas Cards. 3rd period, boring. Aaha, handed out some cards. Worked on theee Christmas Carol boook shiet. After 3rd period, he came up &hugged me. That's the 2nd time he's done that(= Great hugs. Break, gave people some presents, but yeah, didn't have that much. Uhm, 4th period, I DIDN'T GET TO FINISH MY TEST !)= Well, I did, but I didn't do the Bonus )= LMFAO, such a nerdd. 5th period, Science fair stuff. Uhm, Lunch, opened presents ! I didnt want to tho, Ahahahah ! I got hecka Candy Canes ! I got a shirt from Jade, PAPER from Kelsey d: &some other thangs. Ahaha. 6th period, FUNNN ! We played KickBall-Dodgeball ! AHAH ! Vinny was raping Phillip. Like he was sitting on the stage, &Phillip was in front of him, &he kept on trying to touch him. EEEEEEWEEERS ! After schoool, hung out with Jade &Nikki at Nikkkkkki's house. Very funn. Sorry, not really describing it well. Ahahhaa, went to Norwood &I'm here ! OHOHHH YEAAAAH ! Jade &Alex. After Schoool. YEAAAH, SOOO CUTEEEE !

I love youu, guys. Funnn. My life is ggooodd today. MWUHHAHAHAHAA.


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