Sunday, December 21, 2008

Orange Vans &Animal Crossing [:

" I'ma give you every bit of my love. Every part, every piece of my love.  I'll give my heart too, &every part of me. "


Kay, Saturday, Babysat. Not that bad. Went on computer, texted Nick[:, FOUND A VIDEO OF DEVIN SINGING &PLAYING GUITAAAAR ! Mwuahahahah. But the stupid bitch freakingtalked too much &she sings bad. Ew. Anyways. Sharks won last night ! OMGGG , this dude punched Setoguchi, for no fucken reason ! I got scared. 0oh well, He can take care of himself. But yeah, ahha. Sunday, got McDonalds. Hellla old people. AHAHA ! Went to Grandma's. FUCKEN SHIET, the dog's pregnant. NOOO, not with MY dog. FUCKEN HATE YOU. FUCKEN CHILD MOLESTER. DUDE. Freaking UGH. I'd rather have my dog fuck Andres's dog ! They're the same age, &the same breeeed ! I don't want my grandpuppies to be half chihuahua. It's a big deal. I'm very angry about it. Fuck youu. Went to Dad's house. I got pissed cos my sister kept coughing on me ! Then i was like COVER YOUR MOUTH ! ANd my step-mom got mad. And ew. &Like we almost didn't go to the mall. Ew. Okay, so I wrapped my mom's present. Then went to Eastridge ! I got Orange Vans. Mwuahaha ! I was gonna get teal ones, but they didn't have my size. AGAIN. Theeen, we walked around somemoree, &Found my step-mom &my sister. I went pee. HAHAHA, this fat lady went in the stall next to me &farted HEEELLLLAAAAA loud ! AHHAHA, funny. So, then my sister &her mom went pee &they bought stop. Lots of people. Then we went to GameStop &I got Animal Crossing Wii ! Yaaaaaaay ! Uhm, went walking more. AHHAA, this girl was all " Aye, were'd you get your sweater ? " ( Cos of my Sharks sweater ) &I was all " 0oh, Target ! =D " &She was like " 0oh " AHAHAHAH ! I got scared. She looked like a chola. Scaaary. Lmfao. Okay, I saw ANGEEEEELGEEEEELAAAA ! MWUAHAHAHAA ! At Lollicup, with her cousin. LOL, SHE GOT A HAIR CUT. SHE'S SO FRICKEN PREEEETTTTY!  AHhaha. Well, I got a Vanilla Bubble Drink thing. LOL ! 0oh yeah. My sister lost her DS. UHMM, ate a pretzel in the car. Yummy ! It had caremel dip. Then I read Nikki's blog. &I hellllaaa agreee with her ! Like shiet meng. Some parts of 6th grade, It's like wtf, but those are the memories, you know ? &now, I'm starting to doubt people. They're only like 2 or 3 people I can trust now. Nikki understands me. Cos she's the shiznitz, YEAAAH. But seriously, stop. It's just pisses the fuck out of me. Especially you. Stop please. I fucken hate it. I don't wanna hate you. Cos' I'm over that. &I'm not going back. But you need to share the weight, or w/e. I can't do this alone. Ugh. Okay, I neeed to play. AHAH ! Animal Crossing time =D

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is almost here !

LONG ASS WEEEEK TO TALK ABOUT ! I hope I'll remember more, cos' it was a very nice week.
I talked to Nick Sunday night. HEHEH ! He's a weirdo. Monday, not much. Andres was gone. Mexico &don't tell me foooo ? Whateveeer. Aahaha. Deng, Sharks almost lost that day. Won in shootouts, yeaaah yeaaah. HRM. Tuesdaay, I think that's the day I started wearing my beanie. Ahaha Iderno. Ahaha. Wednesday; Test in 1st period. Easy ! Mwuahahaha. Went to Christmas in the park ! [: I got Kettle Corn &went Ice Skacting. Mwuahahaha. Sharks LOST ! )= Setoguchi scored tho.  OMGGG, I want to find that video of him singing sooo bad. Bought our Christmas Tree. Thursday, Sharks lost ! HELLAAA BAD ! 6-0 D; Mmkae, uhmm, Sorry, I wish I could remember. Went to Wal-Mart that night. Bought Christmas gifts ! Yay ! Uhm, Friday, very nice. Minimum day. 1st period, some shield shiet. Talked with Alec. Sonnn ! AAAHA, yeaaaah. Walked with Marissaaaa to 2nd period. UHM, carried all my presents for people (= Watched Mythbusters in 2nd period. Did HEEEELLLLAAAA Christmas Cards. 3rd period, boring. Aaha, handed out some cards. Worked on theee Christmas Carol boook shiet. After 3rd period, he came up &hugged me. That's the 2nd time he's done that(= Great hugs. Break, gave people some presents, but yeah, didn't have that much. Uhm, 4th period, I DIDN'T GET TO FINISH MY TEST !)= Well, I did, but I didn't do the Bonus )= LMFAO, such a nerdd. 5th period, Science fair stuff. Uhm, Lunch, opened presents ! I didnt want to tho, Ahahahah ! I got hecka Candy Canes ! I got a shirt from Jade, PAPER from Kelsey d: &some other thangs. Ahaha. 6th period, FUNNN ! We played KickBall-Dodgeball ! AHAH ! Vinny was raping Phillip. Like he was sitting on the stage, &Phillip was in front of him, &he kept on trying to touch him. EEEEEEWEEERS ! After schoool, hung out with Jade &Nikki at Nikkkkkki's house. Very funn. Sorry, not really describing it well. Ahahhaa, went to Norwood &I'm here ! OHOHHH YEAAAAH ! Jade &Alex. After Schoool. YEAAAH, SOOO CUTEEEE !

I love youu, guys. Funnn. My life is ggooodd today. MWUHHAHAHAHAA.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wishlist ! ;D

EDIT ; This is also my birthday wishlist ! (=

Okay, so I haven't gotten people presents. I feel bad )=

Don't have to buy me anything. If you get me something it already means alot(=

Shirts - Most of the time I'm a Medium or 14.
Pants - 1 or 24
Shoes - 7 in womens. That's all I know (x

Anything else, ask mee !

For Christmas I would like;


Suspenders !
I have no idea what I'd wear them with tho.... HHAHA

San Jose Sharks Stuffs.
Especially Setoguchi things(=

Graphic Tee's
Anything cute. I like random objects. Ahahah.

Skinny Jeans
I only have 3 )=

Necklaces !
Like the kind you see at Forever 21. Uhm, especially Music-y ones ! I would LOVEE that !
But any is okaay.

Giraffe Stuffs !
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Giraffes ! Get me giraffe print items =D Or giraffe things. Lol.

I like Plaid. LOL ! &Polka Dots !

I seriously need a new belt. I only have one. Cute stuuff is good, but i want the kind with like a metal thing ? AHAHHAH ! Idk, but i just dontlike the one with holes.

Vests are very nice(=

Jackets !
PLEASE ! I have thin ones, &it's freezing ! Get me furry thickones ! (=

I love beaines now. AHAH ! I like the ones with the rim thingys. THANKSYOU

I like scarfs. They keep my neck warm. Not too thick &long, please. Thankyouu.
0oh, I don't have any square scarfs. You know ? YEAAAH ! (=

Anything else you think I would like !

Shirtless !


AHAHAH ! Anyone remember that song ? By Marquez Huston, Naked. I saw Setoguchi half naked. LOL. I don't wanna see the rest. The Chest is enough to melt me. MWUAHA<3

Long time. BLEH ! I hate today. So start from Tuesday, cos' I don't remember anything. LOL.
Presented my speech. Dude, so fcken long ! Everyone's was like 3.oo minutes &mines was like 5.10. BLEH ! I did bad. Uhm, Wednesday was okay, I think. Told him no. LOL, urhm. My mommy bought me a Sharks sweater ! =D Thursday, I printed Nikki pictures the night before.Helped her with SL Project during lunch (= I told everyone about my Sharks sweater ! LOL, I hope I didn't sound like I was bragging. I was just so excited ! HEHEHE ! Okay, Sharks game thursday night. Black Armor Night ! Ew. AHHA ! Oh well. Got there at like 7.00. My Uncle smells good . AHAHAH ! Uhm, sat in section 222 seat 11. Yes, i remember. These fags sat infront of me. The dude has a big afro, but he was white -__- He smelled bad &he kept drinking. GEEZ. So annoying. OH YEAH ! These cute guys sat behind me. Lol, they yelled alot. &there was this dude, who lookedd like Jayson, from P.E. ! AHAH ! but he was like 10, or something. But he HELLA looked like him! Game was okay. 2-0 ! Yay ! Setoguchi Made a goal , with Vlasic &Marleau. YAY ! <3 Kelsey gets me ;DD Friday, told people about the game. OMGGGGG, STUPID ASS ISAIAH! Him &this other dude name Jesus, were doing COKE in class! OMGG, they're so stupid. COCAINE ? WTFF, stupid. Okay. 2nd period, read. I forgot. Lol. Uhm break, I also forgot. 3rd period. I have bad memory. 4th period. we got 472 cans ? YEAH ! BUT MR. SALGODO HAD LIKE 700 ?! FCKEN CRAAAZY ! Lunch, probably sucked. 5th period, wee chose posters. Cos we did posters about Mitosis, like Interpahse, Propahse, MetaPhase, Anaphase, Telephase, &Cytokinesis. Yes, that was from the top of my head ;D I'm smart. HEHE, the orginal Nerd d: Anyways, EW FRICKEN ******* COPIED MY HAPPY FACES D:< UGH, and like ugh. So, on her poster, he had MY happy face. &I'm not saying, I invented it, but like, I'm the one who always does it you know ? SO yeah. Uhm 6th period, talked with Amy probably. LOL. Okay, Saturday, Babysat the whole day. Not so bad. Sharks Game that night. HELLLAAA GOOOD ! Like, 5-4. We won, but hella close game ! Setoguchi made another goal =D Nabby, HEELAAA GOOD ! LOL ! Favorite players : Setoguchi, Nabokov, Cheechoo, &Pavelski. Probaby in that order, lol. But yeah, I like them all. But Kelsey's mean ; " I DONT CARE ABOUT SETOGUCHI. I ONLY LIKE MARLEAU AND VLASIC. " geeeeze ! I like Marleau &Vlasic too. but ew. AHAHA , don't have to be like that to other Sharks d: Uhm, Sunday/Today. SUCKED SHIT ! I FELT SICK THE WHOLE DAY. Ugh, my stomach hurt like shit, &I coouldn't move. I felt like throwing up, like 17 times. Then finally...... yeah. I feel better now tho. I think I had to get it out, so yah. I hated it tho. Lol. So Pretty much it.
OHOH, I saw Reymond &this girl I think named Genevive ? At church ! &I went to the mall with my Stepdad &I saw Rolan, or someone who looked like him ALOTTT! I wish i could blog more often. Ahahah.

OOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAAH ! FUCKEEEEN, EEEEEP ! I SAW SETOGUCHI SHIRTLESS ! OMGG HE HAD A SIX PACK. Ahhhh, he was being interviewed, &he didnt have a shirt on ;DD He's very, muscle-y. He has a tattoo of a cross on his arm. DUDE, my mom was there when i saw. I kept smiling, but I tried to hide it. Lol. I love him. =DD So much. klhdsjfmhsefrsdd'f. Nikki thinks he's ugly. Same with Kelsey. You know what ? PSHHH WHATEVER. Devin Setoguchi is maaancandy. Hehehehehe !

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Victory Dance

Fun fun fun (= So Friday ! 1st period did maps. Eeewer, how gay. I finished before alot of people mwuahaha ! I'm smarticle. Very smarticle. Okay, 2nd period. Me &Kelsey talked while we read, 0oh were so badd ! Jasmine told us were loud. Never knew. [x Break, not much to say. 3rd period, novel work. FUN ! Corrrected with Himani, Rolan, Justin, &Vincent. Waved at Peter, Alex, &caisey in the other group. Hahaha. URHM, walked with Stephen to 4th period. 4th period. I think we had a test, lol. Pretty easy. I'm getting extra credit for cans. mwuahah ! Vienna Sausages &Spam ! AHAH TIFFANY ! YEAH ! Another inside joke, you wouldn't understand. Lunch, I forgot. Probably okay. 5th period embarrasing. Had to present the Genetic Disorder poster. USHER SYNDROME ! LET IT BURNN ! AHAH, love that song (= Anyways, we forget to get a thingy, so yeah. UHM, 6th period. Had a sub. It was fun, we played basketball. I still suck, but i'm not as bad. Lol, uhm, Angela's class saw us. LOL. I played more than usual, &Angela was like " GO DOMINIQUE !(= " I didn't hear her tho. LOLOL ! Okay, after school, urhm, went to Nikki's house &I found Jade's phone ! Yay. Then, went to Norwood &Me &Nikki saw KIM ! We took pictures (= Gave Danielle her bday present. Nikki came to my house. Changed, went to her house. Lol. Hung out on the Stairs with her dogs. That was cool ! They like me. But not when I hit Nikki. )= I can't abuse her. DARN ! Lol. Went to her room. Watched TV &ate crackers. I LIKE TO SUCK ON THOSE ! Lmfao. UHM, ZOHAN ! HELLA FUNNY ! Nikki didnt laugh tho. Hahaha ! Got ready, took pictures(= Jade came ! Yay. She laughed with me. ahaha. Okay Nikkkki got mad cos her mom had her ID. So her cousin , Henry, who has a nice car, drove us there &walked her & Jade in. Got to the dance. Too lazy to type it, lol. Got pissed cos this girl was all over my friend. &Jade told me more stuff. I tried to get in the girls way but she kept going back . ARHGH. I know she likes him -__- 0oh0o. Enjoy 2 really long hugs ffrom him. I got asked. Idk, what my answer is. Well yeah. Had alot of fun that night. He didn't stay long tho. Okay, not in the mood to go into detail. Aahaha. Uhm, Saturday, Babysitting. Not so bad. Pacquiao vs. DeLa Hoya ! YEAAAAH ! PACMAN WON ! Janelle owes me a $1.00. Embarrasing fight for Oscar, too bad. Sharks lost in over time. AWH. OMGGG , thursday gonna go to a Sharks game ! Kelsey might cum if my uncle doesnt. Okay, so I have alot to do. BYEE !

0oh yeah. Idk how I feel now D; This has got me thinking, cos of.. well only somepeople know. Just ask ? Whatevaa:

" The one you like gives you goosebumps, but the one you love makes you laugh. "

BLEH, I need advice /=

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Not in a typing mood. BLEH ! I got a fcken hair cut today &the guy was so fcken asian. He kept telling me not to have alot of bangs cos it makes you crossed-eyed. I know he wanted to help but like, IT MY FCKEN HAAIR. So yeah. Short in the front &short bangs. Lol. Monday was okay. Nothing exciting. Lemme think. I took Stephen's binder. Well folder thing. Hahah. Tuesday same, ugh. Wednesday ran a mile. I cheated, MWUAHAH ! I ran only 3 laps &I walked most of it so i got 13:44 but i told her i got 13:00. 0oh im BAAAAAAAAD ! Okay, talked with Amy alot. Lol. P.E. is gossip time. Hahah ! Yeah ! I had Clam Chowder that day, lol. Thursday [ today ], I got pissed off alott. I felt bad cos Stephen kept trying to make me feel better but yeah. In the morning I played basketball with Jaymee, Vivian, &Abigail. Yupp, fun(= 1st period Isaiah pissed me off because he said something about the dance. 2nd period was fun tho. Lol. We did respect card things. Yup, Kelsey gave me one. AWWWH, so sweeet =D I gave Cindy one &Amanda gave Kelsey one. Hehehe. Break, Happy mommeeeeeent, Kelsey knows. Uhm, Kelsey; I think she gets it YAY ! ;D 3rd period, fkcen speeches. I'm doing Steve Irwin. Gay. Lmfaoo. I didn't know who to write about, so whatever. I want the extra credit tho ! OHOH, speaking of extra credit, Canned Food Drive. I got a can from Angela ! YAYAY ! Mwuahahha. Im gonna bring Spam &Vienna sausages. Heheh. 4th period was okay, practice quiz thingy. Extra Credit meeng ! Okay lunch, slow. Talked with Kelsey, got pissed cos of some guy &some girl. Told Andres. Andres is cool. We're talking again, since something. YAY ! Missed you fooooo' ! [x Anyways. Found Nikki &Jade. Jade &Kelsey went to play bball. Nikki &I walked. She embarrased me in front of him. Thanks Nikkki. You're the greatest. OMGGG ! MY MOM JUST CALLED ME, &DEVIN SETOGUCHI WAS ON TV SINGING &PLAYING GUITAR &I MISSED IT ! fCKEN GAAAY ! UGH. My dad's tv only goes up to channel 36. EWWW. I LOVE DEVIN SETOGUCHI ! AILFBSDdfhklx,nvsj.zkfd,bgf ! Okaaaay, so Nikki was like " Lets go see *him* , i forgot his face ! " So i was like "Sure !" So we went on top of the patio thing and she looked at him. &she was called his name. Loud . Very loud. I askked people after school, but they didn't hear. Thank God. Anyways, 5th i got pissed off the most. Lol. My partner for genetic diseases didn't do his share. I did alot of work while he played -____- I kept telling Stephen. He tried to help me. So nicee ! Thanks Stephenn ! You're fcken awesome ! Okay, then he put his hand on my shoulder ! ;D I melted. Okay so I got pissed off again, cos some guy said something about where I live. But whateverr. 6th period Amy &I in the weight rooms. After that we had to run an extra lap with Stephanie &other people, cos we walked. LOL. Yeaup, ended my day GREAAAT !
So yeah. I'm donee. I'm tireddd. I llikee him<3 Dance tomorrroroowwowowo ! Fuck yeaaaah !
OHYEAH ! After school i found something else out that pissed me off too. but that wasn't a big deal, cos it was kinda funny. I just dont like liars. SO yeah. G'Night !