Sunday, July 12, 2009

100 days, damn.

wait, it's 101 now (= ^ <3

Okay so like, blogspot is gay. wait i've said that before[:

let's start from the Raging Waters w/ Kelpshake. FUN! Went on Great White Shark, &Dragon's Den. I went on the yellow serpent shit &Kelsey went on the purple i think. haha. I went onnnn White Lightning but Kelsey was a pussy. it was so fucking cold &windy up there. i needed a hug ]: there was this couple all cuddling like RIGHT in front of me. damn. i like to cuddle too. baah. wet + cold + windy + alone = not fun. but the ride was fun. it took long to get up. it was so cold for a summer day. gaah. She went on Shotgun Falls but i can't swim (: haha, wave pool was fun. I kept making kelsey swallow water. I'M PAAANNNNNY, teehee. So now we know how people on the Titanic felt. &how turkeys &chickens sound. or not. haha. We took pictures in the Endless River :D Fun. Thennn i got bananannanana split dippin dots &i dont remember what kelsey got. haha. then we left &went to yummy buffet. OH YEAH, we saw Michael D before we left! haha. Yummy buffet has good sushi. yay. i can tie cherry stems with my tongue ;DD with my toes too. HAHA jk rj.

FUCKING LIZETTE LEFT HELLA OREOS IN MY ROOMS LAST WEEK, AND NOW THERE HELLA FUCKING ANTS IN MY FUCKING ROOMM GAAH. i feel like they're crawling all over me, but they're not ]: i feel itchy, yuk. haha

I'm not used to not being on the phone on Sundays. DAMN.. haha.

okays, cousins came! Cailey &Chase. they lived in japan for like 4 years, and now they've come back cos my uncle's retiring from the navy. yaaay. took a 5 hour drive to grass valley -___- picked them up &ate at some chinese resturant. took pictures. then got home @like 10:00 pm. They stayed with us for twoo days. Thursday I think, went to watch Transformers at AMC! Haven't been to an actually theatre in a while. haha. Transformers is fucking long, good tho. haha. then dropped off Jay &his gf @ some park. theeeeeeen mom went to lucky, theeeeeeeen dropped us off @ emall. stayed there for 4 hours. Met up with Rj!<3 he kicked it with us the whole time, yaaay. it was hecker fun, boring at times haha. hiding is funny. I love teasing you Rj. :D mks then we went home after Rj got picked up or w/e. @ home we sang Karaokeeee! hella funny. I GUESS YOU'D SAY WHAT CAN MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAAY... MAGURRRL, TALKING BOUT MAGURRRRL, MY GIRL! ahah! fun. we tried pulling an all nighter off, but i fell asleep at 4:30. haha, i wasn't the first tho, chase went to sleep at like 1:00. we were supposed to leave at 5:00, but my mom woke us up at 7:30 LOL. so yeah, dropped them of and yeaaaaah.

GUILTGUILTGUILTGUILT. F'rrreals man ): I hate hiding all this stuff from my mom. like, hella of my life. Life's hard &shit just happens sometimes, yadadadadamean. It's not gunna be perfect all the time, &i'm still learning to deal with that.

SO LIKE, I FUCKING GOT A NEW PHONE TODAY! HELL YEAH MENGS. so like, i was hella pissed cos i wanted to see Rj today like hell, but my dad said we had to watch transformers, even tho I had already watched it. &then nikki &katherine invited me to oakridge &my dad said i couldn't go cos we made plans, &I was like wtf, you never said it was fersure tho. So i was pissed and shit. THEN ronney &nikki changed plans for me &went to eastridge! I felt so special :D So then my dad said we're gunna change plans and were gunna get new phones. FUCK yeah. haha. they took like an hour and a half to get ready -___- then i ttook hella long to get the phones, BUT WHATEVERRRRRRR. I gt my phone. MY FUCKING SAMSUNG IMPRESSION IS GODDAMN SEXY. I'm scared to touch it , lmfao. i don't want to dirty it D: i wannnna buy this giraffe case BAD! &this cute ass shark phone charm. haha. k yeah, lizette got a phone? mengs, she's only in 3rd grade &she has unlimited texting 0___o she get's annoying, sending me like 3 text messages before i reply. damn, haha. i needa get used to my keyboard. so yeah, after went to emall &hung out with ronney &nikkaay. fun. we had a chicken terriyakkkki or w/e lmfao, crepe. it was surprisingly goood. mh, what else. i took 2 pictures w/ my phoneee, but i can't send it to the comp. don't have internet, i can't get mms messages. GAY. ]: oh well, my dad said later. haha. damn i'm tired. nikki came afterr &stayed till 10:00. yeahhh. i'm tired. Can't think. blah.

HMM, idk. NIGHT. I can tweeet from my phone now :D


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Woah, I've blogged like 7 times in three days? Idk, i'm not counting.

I made a twitter. yaaay.

omg, i want a fucking samsung impression.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Serenade me.

Please. anyone?
Fall For You.


i hate it. i hate everything.
i hate those silent conversations.
i hate feeling so guilty, when i know i didn't do anything.
i hate having to say it's okay over and over.
i hate having to keep everything.
i hate not being able to talk about it.
i hate crying or at least feeling like it once everyday.
i hate saying i'm happy, and you don't believe me.
i hate sounding depressed, when i'm just frustrated.
i hate being frustrated.
i hate being lost and confused.
i hate actually thinking about that.
i hate talking about that.
i hate the fact that everything i thought would fersure never happen, is happening.
i hate that i keep listening to those kinds of songs.
i hate how it sounds like it going to happen, but i don't want it too.
i hate how it seems so different.
i hate how it's so depressing and maybe an hour later we're okay.
i hate how i know the old ways are still there, but we just barely see them.
i hate remembering " we can make it through anything "
i hate how i don't smile that much.
i hate that it's getting worse.
i hate that there's nothing i can do.
i hate doubting myself.
i hate that i have to think about what i say.
i hate how we could talk about anything, but the conversations are always about one thing..
i hate how i'm always the bad guy.
i hate that it's falling apart.
i hate thinking about our promises and worrying about them.
i hate reminiscing, because i miss those so much.
i hate not being able to talk in person.
i hate summer.
i hate how long this list is getting.
i hate when you're happy, and i saw unconsciously say something wrong &make you feel bad.
i hate how it seemed so perfect, and now i don't know..
i hate how i want to hold on for so many reasons, but everyday i loose faith.
i hate how the main reason isn't the best reason.
i hate typing this.
i hate feeling like i made so many mistakes, and i don't realize it until now.
i hate that i don't know what happened.
i hate myself.


I don't want it to end. No, not at all. I'm scared. I'm fucking serious. It's not over.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

i'm stupid. really really stupid.

Why do I have to explain myself to you? WHY. Why do you have to ask if I still care, if I still love you, etc. Shouldn't you know? I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Really, I tell you over &over. It kills me EVERY time you ask. EVERYTIME. I want to make you happy. I feel like I'm messing up everything. I don't know how I do, &I don't know how to fix it. I care about you like CRAZY. I love you like CRAZY. I can't even begin to explain. You don't realize it, &I want you to, so bad. It's like there's nothing I can do to cheer you up. What is it that I do that gives you those feelings. I am really that horrible? I can't do anything right these days...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

" Birth order may help determines personality "

"Eldest children are socially dominant, highly intellectual, and extremely conscientious. Unfortunately, they’re also less open to new ideas, and prone to perfectionism and people pleasing—the result of losing both parents’ undivided attention at an early age, and working throughout their lives to get it back."

AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, ooh woow. truuue?

It's a fucked up world, I'm a fucked up person.

ugh, hella stressed right now ):

I hate my grandpa, seriously. I want to tell him off soooo bad. But I can't. Why? Cos he's my grandpa. mygood. he's soo nasty and selfish and shit. &I'm getting sick and tired of him telling me to rest. it's like, wtf, I'm not five, I'm old enough to take some fucking responsibility. I was all washing the dishes right, and he comes and says, let me do it! &I was like, no it's okay, i'm almost done. &he goes NO, you take a rest! and i soaped everything already, just needed to rinse it, &he washes everything all over again. that's hella insulting to me. I mean, yeah I'm lazy, but i can do chores. &like, everytime I have a chore to do, he does it for me. most people would love that. but serisouly, I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP. Like, sure, i appreciate it, but if i needed help, i would ask? don't think anyone would understand me on that subject -__- You know what else I hate. He teases me. In an annoying way. Not like, how family teases. but in a jacked up way. it pisses me off so much. like i say something or do something loud, &he does it like 10 times worse. over exaggerates everything. &not just me, all of my family. he doesn't understand that it's not funny. you might say, calm down he's just messing with you and shit, but YOU DON'T LIVE WITH HIM. I have alot more ugly stuff to say, but i'm too pissed off to type about it all.

I hate when people go to the worst case scenario. really. &do I seem like a person who doesn't care? I care about all my friends, alot. I'm just that kind of person. &for someone to ask if i even care about them, when i'm trying to make them feel better, that's sad. I'm hella hurt right now. I don't wanna type about this. but I can't talk to anyone about it. I mean, have friends to talk to yeah, but not about this. well maybe I do, but I don't feel like it. There's no one that can just listen. just listen. That's what most people want, imo. they just need to let it all out &yeah. I can't. So, I blog. how pathetic huh. I should go curl up in a ball and cry. tsh, I can't even do that. no where to go..

Why do you take all my comments in such a negative way? I don't wanna tell you stuff, cos you take it so hard. you know who you are.

i was standing at my balcony last night, &it was so calm and quiet. eeh.

it's the 4th of July. I really want to watch fireworks. I haven't in like two years ); I wanna cry right now. If I see some, that will seriously make me soooo goddammnn happy.

well, gunna listen to some music. maybe play with my dog, or my sister. I think that's they're only thing that can cheer me up right now.