Sunday, January 25, 2009


LMFAO, last night, I was all to my StepDad, " DADDDY, I LIKE CORN. " &he was all " You like what !? " LMFAOOO, he thought I said PORN [x

AIGHT, so MONDAY, OBAAAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA ! YEAHS, FOO'. Even though, I'm not really " involved " in the world today, well I'm the next generation, &it's time for change meng ! LOLOLOL, we were in 2nd period PE &Mrs. Olden. HEHE, The announcements went on &Mrs. Olden was all " AYE, SHUT UP. I needa hear this ! " LMFAOOOO ! Then Mr. Bond was all " Congratulations, President Obama " LOL[: Well, new semester . EEW, I sweaaaar, i fcken hate Mr. Askanas. 0oh0oh0ho0ho0hoh0oh0o0ho ! Andres is my TA for 5th period ! Yaaaaaaaaays[: I feel bad for him, cos he has to help Mrs. Woodley. Who wants to do that.. Lmfao. LOLOL, I remember I hellas needed to pee. So I went, &when I we gonna open the door Andres got there at the same time &I was all, I went pee &my hands are wet.. LMFAO &Andres was all " You went to the bathroom ? " Ahahhahahaha. Funny.
&then he needed A pencil &he came to me, &was all can i borrow that ? &I was all shure. &Mrs. Woodley was all Andres...... LOLOLOL ! &he was all, I needed a pencil. &she was like, ask me next time. So he was all , Can I have a pencil ? AHHAHHA, DATS PAAANNNNYY.

LOL, I feel lonley &empty in PE &CompTech. ]: No one talks to meee. Like I know people, but like, I'm closer to the people I had last semester. D:

WEDNESDAAAY; LMFAOOO. Dylan is so fcken awesomee. He's indian ! LMFAO, he was wearing Jamacian colors. So I was all, Are you Jamacian !? &he was all no.... DO i have to be Jamacian to like these colors ? &I was all No... but I was just asking. Hey are you Mexican ? &he was liek, no... &i was all Flip ? &he was like no... So i asked, then what are you !? &he was alike I'm indian ! LOLOL, SO i was all, REALLY ?! &he was like, yeah I have curry in my backpack ! LMFAOOOO ! I was hellas was laughing. EEWEEWEWEWEW, ANDRES LIKES JOE THORTON, EEEEW. WTFF. Aha.

Saturday; BABYSAAT, Lol I love my Sisterrr. YoungStar gameee ! WE FCKEN LOSTT D;
9-5, WTFF. That's gay. &Ifell. &I think I sprained mycalf mucsle, or pulled it or something... Hellas hurts.

TODAY; Not such a Nice day.. Leg hurtedd. Couldn't go to Nikkkki's house. WEST COAST LOST IN THE FCKEN ALLSTAR GAMEEEEE. That's gaaaaaaaay. 11-11, then we lost in SHOOTOUTS. GAY GAY GAY. Helllas lazy today. &then THAT happened ;L I can't really describe it. He says sorry. Told him it's not his fault, but it still hurts. Yeahs, thinking about it make me ... You know.. I've never cried over a guy. Almost did once or twice, &this came close too. &it pisses me off, cos when did we ever TALK. UGH, so hard to explain. Sadness isn't even the begginning. Argh...

Lol, i needa download songs /:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Understanding, Taking it in &Moving on.

I've been realizing alot of things lately.

I've been realizing, who my friends are. Who's nice. Who's worth liking. What's worth my time. Should I do that. Should I do that. Am I mean, am I nice. Does that look good. Does this sounds nice. Are you goood enough, are they good enough.

SOOOO, with friends.
I'm starting to seee, that some friends are leaving. Likee, some I just met &that, they aren't considered close. &others i've known since elementary, but idk anymore... &like, friends act like they know you now. They do what they THINK will make you happy. PEOPLE too ! Not just friends. They ASUME EVERYTHING. They THINK you like them. They THINK you have a crush in this person. They THINK you're mad. They THINK you understand. They THINK they understand you. People need to stop hiding what they wanna know, &just ask. Don't jump to conclusions, you know ? I'm starting to realize what i should worry about now.

Nice vs. MEAN
I've been meaner lately. Like, IFFF you know me, you know, I'm nice. Sometimes, too nice. But recently, i've been meaner. Doubt anyones noticed. but like I yell more &i'm not afraid to insult people. &then I don't feel bad, untill a bit laterr. So, it's awkward. It's like, not me. you know ?

AIGHTTT. I hate liking people. You know how bad it HURTS ? Probably.. Like they lead you on, they ACT like they like you. They say nice things, &you obsesse over it. Like they say, I miss you. &you start to think THINGS. It just so harddd. Like, I end up falling for someone HARDDD, &they end up not liking me back. &I start hurting. Maybe they find out, then it's killed. You know, I've noticed that I fall harder for the people who don't like me back. IDK WHY ? Like, if they like me back, great, but idk. I liked people more, but they don't like me ? IDK...
&I've noticed that I fall harder/hardest for guys who don't like me back. LMFAO, it's like a turn-off when they like me or something. I guess it's cos' I don't know much about " being in a relationship ". But whatever. It's confusingg Like,if they like me, at first I'm all, yay. Then it gets awkward, you know ?

I need to manage my time now. I end up not doing things &it come back to haunt me. I need to stop being lazy ! /= I know, it's not good for me. I have big aspirations, but laziness &procrastination isn't gonna bring me anywhere...

Whining isn't gonna get you NOWHERRE. Just gotta accept what coming &live with it. Were getting older &we needa act more resonsiblee. If we keep actiing like this, we won'tdo anything later. argh -___- Take it slow thoo, Amy knows.

I NEED TO THINKK, life's coming at me fast, &i needa get my head straight menggs.


AIGHTTT, Hellllas lazy to type the whole week. So, i'ma do the mains.

I'M NOT A FUCKING STONER. LMDFAOO. Just cos I know how weed smells.... d:

FRIIDAAAY, last fckking day in PEEERADVISORY, HELLLASS GAY. Ima miss Ms. Stracke &Cindy &more people. ]:
BUTT, we watched MICHAEL JACKSONNN, AHAHHA ! Fcken love himm, he's not a fag.
He's fricken talented, fcken shiznitz meng. Lmao.
FACKEN SHARKS VS. DETROITREDWINGS. HELLAS GGOOOD ASSS FUCKEN GAMME ! I WAS HEALLAAAAAAAS SCREAMING. LMFAO. Likee, they played muchmuch better. WE WONNN. mwuahhahahahaha ! You should seee me watching, it's funny. Lke they're Stanley Cup CHAMPSSS ! &we beat them 6-5 ! Like, last time they had back to back, so we won. Then we had back to back, so they won. This time, everyone was rested, so yeah. OMG, helllas funny Setoguchi was being interviewed during the game &he was all " Yeah, it's heard, cos we're playing the best team in the leauge. " Then THORTON comes out of nowwhere " HEY, WE'RE the best team in the league. " AHHAHAHA ! Eeew, Thorton. ARGH, as a freaking amazing hockey player he is, I just don't like him. LOL ! Okay, I have my fave players mwuahaha.
#2. Pavelski
^^those two are kinda tied, but I like Pavelski a bitt more. LOL. [:
^^Tied !
#6. Clowweeee !
#7. Marleau ! - Crazy-Ass-Nigguh, right thereeee
#8. Vlasic - AYE, gotta love Kelsey's man ;D LMFAOOO, my stepdad. Vlasic was roughing, like hellas people. So like my dad was all " MAN, he can never look scary. He looks like a baby. " ME -" That's meeeaaaan ! " " He looks so innocent tho? "
Yeah, pretty much it. Loll.

Lollls, fun todaaays. PAPAPAPAPAPPAs b-ddaaay. Barrio FIESTAAA, GreatMalll, &Nikki's housee.
I almost cried dude, I"M FUCKEN SERIOUS. Cos DEVIN SETOGUCHI did a signing todday. I WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING GO. BUT FUCKING, dad's bday. WHY TODAY ? Dude, i was gonna pay for it, with my own fucken money. ]: I almost cried reaalll bad.

ARGH, anyways. NIKKIS HOUSE, did QIK, phone, &comp. Laughed like shiet. HELLASSS fun.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


FACCCCKK, comp broke, so I typeed part of this last week. LMFAOO. This is late, 1st week of JANUARYY !

HEYO HEYO ! Lol, reminds me of the Cheetah Girls. FUEGO FUEGO ! LOLOLL ! So long-ass week to talk about ! Mwuahaha, I remeber EVERTHING ! That's how special it was :D Maybe I wrote it down.... ;DD

So Monday was My Birthday ! Yay, I'm 13. MWUAHAHAH , I'M OLDD ! Lottas people said Happy Birthday to me. [= I felt so special. It was really nice having tons of people say Happy B-day to me. I liked it better than having people give me gifts. Like, it means alot that people remembered, even if they didn't get me anything, you know ?! But yeah, heres the gifts (x : I got presents from Nikki, Jade, Nick, Cindy, Angela, Binh, &Caisey. Nikki gave me underwear, that fits... 0___o &A jacket, a giraffe, &a card. [: Jade wrote me a letter. Nick gave me gatorade, LOL ! Cindy got me Lipgloss. WHATCHA KNOW BOUT ME !? WHATCHA WHATCHA KNOW ?! YOU KNOW MY LIPGLOSS IS COOL, MY LIPGLOSS IS POPPIN, I SAVE IT IN MY LOCKER &ALL THE BOYS BE STOPPINGGG ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ! Angela got me a bag thingy &perfume. What are you trying to say ?! Do I stink !? Lol. Binh got me SUSPENDERSSS ! YAYAY ! Caisey got me a body spray thing &body wash.. Yeah, I think that means I stink.. AHHAHAHA ! Family got me a Sharks Calender, a Sharks beanie, &A Sharks tote bag. I kinda felt awkward, cos that alot of Sharks stuff. I mean I like it, but yeah. You know ? Lol. When I was opening the stuff Nikki gave me these 8th graders came &were all " Awh, look. It's Christmas again. Ahha, fcking SEVIEES ! ". OMGGG, I'M A SEVENTH GRADER. NOT A SEVIEE. DON'T CALL ME A SEVIE. Stupid fckers. Amy knows ;D Lol. ANYWAYS ! In PE, Victor called me a Tomboy. Fck, I hate when people label me. You can't fkcen judge me. Just cos I like video games, doesn't mean I'm a guy. Fck you. LOL. Then at the end of the day, THESE LOSERS caked me with brownies &whipped cream. I saw them holding what looked like cupcakes &I hecked stopped like dead. Staring, Cos I already knew meng, Ahahahahah ! It was funny, cos I ran away, &they got me. LOL. &I went over to the place where you wait for people to pick you up &this 8th grader came up to me &started staring at me. &He was like " Aahah, WOAH. Who jacked off on your face ?! HAHA ! MY TURN. " Eww. He was ugly anyways. So whatver, LOL. 0oh yeah, I was right. I was disappointed. &Philiip still owes me a b-day hug !

AIGHT, Tuesday, I didn't have a jacket -___- Man it was HEELLAAAS COLD ! I felt really sick &tired-ish. Eeews. Then THUYVY was sososososossossosososososossosososoooooooooooooo nice &gave me her jacket &THEN SHE WAS COLD. I felt hhecka bad. Thuyvy's is the bestestest[:
Okays, 2nd period we tlked about goals. It was fun-ish. Break was okays. In 4th period &took Tiffany's old jacket, cos she didn't want it. So I gave Thuyvy her jacket thing back. Uhm, after school went to Lucky's &I got kinda pissed off. Lol.

Wednesday, DANICAA'S BDAAAY ! Yay, I wrote her a letter. Lol. Nikki brought my jacket[: I felt tired &sick-ish again. Bleeeh, I still am sick. 3rd period, did spelling with Himani, hellas funny. &I found a moth named Jerry. Well, named it Jerry, but he's dead. AHAHHAHA ! Dude, in Social Studies &Math I fell asleep. Well almossst. Cathy was speeping. Lol. I got 8:54 on my mile 0___o But since they made the thing bigger, Mrs. Olden made us only run 2 laps, so yeah, idk. At home I was reaaly reaaaaaaallllly tired. I had Pizza Rolls :D Went Roller Skating with my StepPADA &Sister. It was funny she kept on falling =D AHAHAHHAH !

Thursday, THAO's & THUYVY's BDAY's ! YAAAAY ! Lol, In 1st period we took notes &Mr. Purpura told us the toilet story, AHAHHA ! EEEW, I found out I have COMPUTER TECHH, WTFFF, UGH. &FCKN, I FORGOT TO GIVE MY YEARBOOK SHIET, SO E;HIBSZDG. FUCK IT I'LL GIVE IT AGAIN ON MONDAY. Stupid Mr. Bond. He was all " Schedules come out on wednesday, so we can't tell them their elective. " Fck that nigggaaaah. I felt hellas bad, cos i was the only one who got to find out my elective. Lmfao. P.E. was funn, we played Hockey =D
After school, I felt really pissed off. Idk why, I almost cried. Loll.

FRIDAAAY ! Watched they play. It was AIGHHTTT. Funny-sh, but boring cos you couldn't anything. Watched a movie in Social Studies &I almost fell asleep. 0oh0hoh, the schedule was different. So yeah. Break, I got helllas pisssed. Everyopne was all happpy, &I felt miserable. &BTW BITCH. I don't see how every fcken little fcken thing fcken works out for you. I hate herrrr. &no, I'm not telling her off on the internet, cos that's gay. I'm just saying, I reaaaaallly dislike her. Anyways, during 2nd period we watched a movie. I crieddd so bad. Cos like I was already pissed, &with the movie of a dog name BENJI, gosh, that made it 123456789009876543221 times worse. Kelsey &Amanda &Cindy &Janelle &Marissa &Ms. Stracke were all there for me. They all rock. They're the shiznitz :D I misss Benjie <33
HRM, Nick threw a water bottle at me. Ahahahahhahaha ! After schoool, I went to Nikki's houseeee. TALENT SHOWWW. HOLY FUCK, I met Uyeeeen ! [: Yay, I was so happpppppy. But like, it pissed me off, cos Chris was all, I'ma sit next to Uyen &I was all, I wanna sit next to her ? But he was all, NOOO, You barely know her. &it's like, wtff, just cos I havent met her in person, doesn't mean i don't know her -__-
Talent show was funnn. People sang good, some people didn't. LOLL. These girls danced bad [x Lmfaoo. &PRAAAKAAHHRR fcken awesomee[: LMFAOOO, THAO's HELLLAS FUNNYYY. She's all " YEAAAH, GO PRAAAKAHHRR ! " &he started dancing &she was HEEELLLLAAAS laughing ! Ahhahahaahhhahaah. [: &then Virisa went onn. I think she was like, the only person who performed, that no one stoppped cheering. I'm serious. Like, everyone else, people would start talking &yeah, but with Virisa, she it was like non-stop. Yeaah &then I was all " I love you, Virisa ! " &behind me Thao screams, hellas loud , " I LOVE YOU VIRISAAA ! ". LMFAO, so I go, I said it 1st ! &she says, " Well, I said it louder. " AHHAHAH I'm all, " True... "

LOLLL, fun [:

AIGHT, that was JAN5-JAN9

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First post of 2009 !

Happy New Year ! Woah, haven't posted since last year. Mmkae, so I'll just go over big stuffs. Christmas was funn. Hung out with Krystal [ Cousin ] &saw my dog<3 Uhm, Got a Sharks Jersey ! =D Yay, no # but, whatevaah, I still like it. Uhm, WATCHED TWILIGHT WIHT NIKKI ! YESS FINALLY ! MWUAHAHAHAH ! On Archie's b-day ! Happy 18th cakedaaay. December 28th. Mmkae, we saw Alain's brother there ! Woooah ! Eric. Ahahha, HAIR FLIPS ! Ew, stupid white friend. No offense to white people, but hes probably racist. LMFAO. Called me &Nikki fcken whores. Eeeew. Okay, next big thing.... 0oh ! Went to RENO ! Yay. Saw snow. Only stayed for one day tho. New Years, stayed home. Okay-ish. Uhm, New Year was Devin Setoguchi's birthday. Argh, fcken break, very long. Watched Sharks Games. Babysat. Pretty much it. Today, went to D&B with Nikki. Funnn. I tried calling peoples, but they didn't answer &called back when we we're in the car &already at the mall. HRM, we walked around GreatMall for a long time. Karla was there ! =D I bought a sweater from H&M. We saw BIONIC. I didn't know his name, Nikki did. LOL. Went to lots of stores. Took pictures, kinda. Very fun. Laughed alot. Yeeeh. UHM, got a smoothie. Took lots more pictures in the car. Sang to Can't Believe It &Smack that =D Dropped Nikki off. Home now &Blogging. I love my sister. The smallest one. LOL. She's adorable<3 She cried when I left. Tomorrow is school. Tomorrow, I'm excited. I have a feeling I'll be disappointed tho. /= HRM. SHIET, I haven't started HW. Fcken UGRH. Hate it. 0oh, been having problems. 1st off, I know friends are allowed to be mean to each other, but you don't seem to realize when you've gone too far. UGH, &I hate being replaced.

New Years Resolutions ;

- Slim down the Tummy /=

- Less Lazy. Bad bad, shame shame.

- Be less jealous. I get jealous easily, but no one knows. Not like in crushes, but everything. Like I'll be happy for a person, but HELLLAS jealous on the inside. " Stop looking at what you ain't got, &start appreciating the things you do got. "

- Go to Reality regularly /more often. Miss it, mengg.

- Be less self-consious, AHAH !

- Stop wanting everything to be perfect.

HRM, I think I know the difference between a crush &likeing someone ... I haven't really truly liked someone since November. I liked him for 4 months. Then got over him. The longest I've liked a guy is 4 months for both those guys. They're my bestfriends, so I'm glad I don't like them anymore. I've had tons of crushes. Just thinking they're cute &nice &stuffs for a few days. HRM. I don't want to like anyone anymore -___-
At the moment, I don't. Yay.

Last night I had the weirdest dream. It seemed like the 1st day of school, but everyone was crying. So everyone was saying I miss/missed you &stuff, but like people were HELLLAS crying. I was crying too. &There were Quimby buildings &looked like the field at Norwood. I saw everyone &hugged everyone. &then I hugged this one guy, for the longest timee ! Longer &harder than I've ever ever ever ever ever EVVVEEEERR hugged anyone. It felt so reaaal ! But I didn't see his face. I was crying in his arms, hugging himm &saying I miss you so much. &he was all comforting me &yeah. It felt good<3 Idk, but it kinda scares me. LOL. I don't understand it, confusing dream /=